This application is designed for downloading content posted by creators on
IMPORTANT: You need a valid patreon account to download both free and paid content. Paid content will only be downloaded if you have an active subscription to creator's page.
PatreonDownloader.App.exe --url #page url#. Page url should follow one of the following patterns:
- name#/posts
Download all available files from creator into custom directory and save all possible data (post contents, embed metadata, cover and avatar, json responses)
PatreonDownloader.App.exe --url #page url# --download-directory c:\downloads --descriptions --embeds --campaign-images --json
PatreonDownloader.App.exe --help
Due to Cloudflare protection triggering on all connections with TLS version lower than 1.3 the application will only work on the following systems:
- Windows 10 1903 and newer
- Linux and other systems with OpenSSL 1.1.1 and newer
See docs\
- Tested under Windows and Linux. Should work on any platform supported by .NET Core and Chromium browser.
- Downloading files from posts
- Downloading files from attachments
- Saving html contents of posts
- Saving metadata of embedded content
- Saving api responses (mostly for troubleshooting purposes)
- External links extraction from post
- C# plugin support (see below)
- Limited/dumb direct link support (PatreonDownloader will attempt to download any file with valid extension if no suitable plugin is installed)
- Dropbox support
- Blacklist (configured in settings.json)
- Plugins (via C#)
- Custom downloaders for adding download support for websites which need custom download logic
- PatreonDownloader comes with the following plugins by default: Google Drive,
- Gallery posts
- Audio files
- Vimeo embedded videos
- YouTube external links
- imgur external links
All files in this repository are licensed under the license listed in file unless stated otherwise.