E-store with Flask
Flask's educational project
From command line:
$ python3 run.py
- python 3.5 and above
- flask
- flask-sqlalchemy
just clone the project and install the requirements:
$ git clone https://github.com/PyExplorer/fe-store.git
$ cd fe-store
$ pip3 install -r fe_store/requirements.txt
After run server we can start browser with url
The script supports only 3 pages:
/ - Main page
/products - page with list of products
/products/[1..4] - pages for product with id=[1..4]
e.g. http://localhost:9090/products/1
To contribute, pick an issue to work on and leave a comment saying that you've taken the issue. Don't forget to mention when you want to submit the pull request.
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