
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PyLint Check code style Code style Unit Tests


pip install mpest


This package contains realization of em algorithm for solving the parameter estimation of mixture distribution problem:

$$p(x | \Omega, F, \Theta) = \sum_{j=1}^k \omega_j f_j(x | \theta_j)$$

  • $p(x | \Omega, F, \Theta)$ - mixture distribution
  • $f_j(x | \theta_j) \in F$ - $j$ distribution
  • $\omega_j \in \Omega$ - prior probability of $j$ distribution
  • $\theta_j \in \Theta$ - parameters of $j$ distribution

The problem is to find $\Omega$ and $\Theta$ params of custom mixture distribution with known (or guessed) $k$, $F$ and guessed or randomized initial approximation.

This package uses EM algorithm tuned to work with different distributions models and optimizers, which could match the given interfaces. This allows using this package even for mixture distribution of different distributions classes. For example mixture distribution of both Gaussian and Exponential distributions.


The package can work with mixture distribution of any combination of models, which implements AModel abstract class. EM algorithm result can be calculated by using EM class with AOptimizer implementation and guessed or random initial approximation.

Given samples should be wrapped in MixtureDistribution then by using EM.solve the result will be calculated. EM class depends on ABreakpointer, ADistributionChecker and AMethod objects. :

  • ABreakpointer class $-$ the EM algorithm breakpointer function. There are few basic realizations of that abstract class in that package.
  • ADistributionChecker class $-$ sometimes because of using math optimizers in M-step of EM algorithm, some distributions inside mixture distribution can become degenerated. Such distributions may be detected and removed from calculations. There are few basic realizations of that abstract class in that package.
  • Method class $-$ for E and M steps. In each method there are few variants of E step. Sometimes M step object uses AOptimizer :
    • AOptimizer/AOptimizerJacobian classes $-$ math optimizers for M step of algorithm. There are few SciPy optimizers made follow the given interfaces.

Code example

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from mpest import Distribution, MixtureDistribution, Problem
from mpest.models import WeibullModelExp, GaussianModel
from mpest.em.methods.method import Method
from mpest.em.methods.likelihood_method import BayesEStep, LikelihoodMStep
from mpest.optimizers.scipy_cobyla import ScipyCOBYLA
from mpest.em.breakpointers import StepCountBreakpointer
from mpest.em.distribution_checkers import FiniteChecker
from mpest.em import EM

base_mixture_distribution = MixtureDistribution.from_distributions(
        Distribution.from_params(WeibullModelExp, [0.5, 1.0]),
        Distribution.from_params(GaussianModel, [5.0, 1.0]),
    [0.33, 0.66],

x = base_mixture_distribution.generate(200)

problem = Problem(
            Distribution.from_params(WeibullModelExp, [1.0, 2.0]),
            Distribution.from_params(GaussianModel, [0.0, 5.0]),

e = BayesEStep()
m = LikelihoodMStep(ScipyCOBYLA())
method = Method(e, m)
em = EM(StepCountBreakpointer(max_step=32), FiniteChecker(), method=method)

result = em.solve(problem)

fig, axs = plt.subplots()

sns.histplot(x, color="lightsteelblue")

axs_ = axs.twinx()

X = np.linspace(0.001, max(x), 2048)
axs_.plot(X, [base_mixture_distribution.pdf(x) for x in X], color="green", label="base")
axs_.plot(X, [result.result.pdf(x) for x in X], color="red", label="result")




  • python 3.11
  • numpy
  • scipy