
Runs nmap every 10 min. Outputs to web page

Primary LanguagePHP

Network Scanning Web Application


NetScanWeb is a lightweight web application designed for network scanning and monitoring. It simplifies the process of setting up and configuring network scanning tasks using Nmap, Apache2, and PHP on a Debian-based operating system. The application allows users to conveniently view the network scan results in real-time through a user-friendly web interface. With NetScanWeb, network administrators can easily monitor network activity, identify active hosts, and track open ports within a specified IP range.


  • Using debian based OS (if using other OS use appropriate package manager)
  • Using root user, use standard user for better security and change ownership permissions of web page (var/www/html)

Install Software

Install - Apache2

sudo apt install apache2 -y

Install - PHP

sudo apt install php -y

Install nmap

sudo apt install nmap -y

Configure Ownership and Permissions

Check permissions in directory below

ls -l /var/www/html

Change Owner

sudo chown root /var/www/html

Change Permissions

sudo chmod 777 /var/www/html

Cron Job Configuration

Edit cron config

sudo crontab -e

Add Line to cron tab

Runs the command every 10 minues

*/10 * * * * nmap -oN /var/www/html/nmap.html

create network.php


echo "Server Timestamp: ";
echo date("h:i:sa");

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
