
Generate a QR code with any link

Primary LanguagePython

Replace input_data with the website you want to generate a QR Code for

See the Usage Section in each .py file to see what the code does

1. Create virtual python env

python -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate #Linux
python -m venv venv && \venv\Scripts\activate #Windows

Creates virtual python environment

python -m venv venv 

Steps into virtual environment

source .venv/bin/activate

See the terminal now has the name of your virtual environment

(venv) drew@Andrews-MacBook-Pro% 

To Step out of the virtual environment


2. Install dependencies (Inside of Virtual environment)

pip install -r requirements.txt

3 Run the Code

python main.py


pip list
python --version 
pip --version 
If trying to do this with VS CODE ensure you have your files open on the left side aka the workspace 

Command+shift+p select interpreter and chose .venv/bin python