Go version: v1.17+
Pylonsd version: v0.4.2
ensure GOPATH is set properly to point to the go directory of your Go installation: GOPATH = $HOME/go ensure PATH is set properly to point to the bin folder of your Go installation: PATH = $GOPATH/bin pylonsd binary(link above or from 'make install' on repo clone/source) should be put in Go's bin folder
Initialize the pylons directories and create the local genesis file with the correct chain-id
$ pylonsd init <moniker-name> --chain-id=pylons-testnet-3
Create a local key pair in the Keybase
$ pylonsd keys add <key-name> --keyring-backend=os
We recommend that you save the mnemonic generated to be able to recover your account in the future if it gets lost.
Add your account to your local genesis file with a given amount and the key you just created.
$ pylonsd add-genesis-account $(pylonsd keys show <key-name> -a --keyring-backend=os) 1000000ubedrock
Create the gentx ()
$ pylonsd gentx <key-name> 1000000ubedrock --moniker="<moniker-name>" --pubkey $(pylonsd tendermint show-validator) --keyring-backend=os --chain-id=pylons-testnet-3 --output-document ./gentxs/<moniker-name>.json
The previous step created a .json file to the gentxs directory of this project. Now, you have to commit and push it to the pylons-testnet repository.
$ git add gentxs/<moniker-name>.json $ git commit -m "created gentx for <moniker-name>" $ git push origin main
On receiving joining notification, run create validator
$ pylonsd tx staking create-validator \ --amount=1000000ubedrock \ --pubkey=$(pylonsd tendermint show-validator) \ --moniker=<moniker> \ --chain-id=pylons-testnet-3 \ --commission-rate="0.10" \ --commission-max-rate="0.20" \ --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \ --min-self-delegation="1000000" \ --gas="auto" \ --gas-adjustment="1.5" \ --from=<key_name>
Self-delegate 1000000ubedrock
$ pylonsd tx staking delegate pylovaloperxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1000000ubedrock --from=<key-name> --broadcast-mode=async --chain-id=pylons-testnet-3 -y