Add an indicator for a progression. You can customize indicators (shape, color, ..)
- 12
Why is 'position' a double?
#16 opened by guillermin - 4
- 4
When there are too many page numbers.
#22 opened by lan2000 - 5
Failed assertion: line 31 pos 16: 'dotsCount != null && dotsCount > 0': is not true
#14 opened by NTMS2017 - 0
how to hide dots controller?
#23 opened by GiuseppeSperanza - 2
Dot Active color should be derived from Theme.primaryColor instead of hard coding the value
#20 opened by AymanProjects - 1
Overflow with flutter web
#9 opened by fvisticot - 1
Active Color cannot be set from Theme.of(context).primaryColor due to invalid constant value. Please fix this.
#12 opened by ankitkarna99 - 1
Dynamic sized unActive or Active Dots
#18 opened by miguelflores1993 - 0
[Feature] Indefinite indicator
#19 opened by fvisticot - 1
PageView / PageController integration
#21 opened by abe-winter - 1
Delayed transition
#6 opened by softower - 2
Support null safety
#13 opened by md84419 - 1
how to get vertial indicators ?
#17 opened by ishaileshmishra - 1
Question: Change color of inactive dots?
#11 opened by Gene-Dana - 4
Dots direction
#5 opened by ashikdnd - 0
- 0
DotsIndicator center
#4 opened by milosjovac - 3
- 1
Center the widget
#1 opened by fvisticot