This is a port of the Randomat/Randomat 2.0 addons for TTT2 using the TTT2 Minigames system.
All the minigames here are based on those from the Randomat 2.0, Owningle's Extra Randomat Events, or from other Randomat events I've seen in various let's player's TTT videos (sorry I can't point to specific mods, there are so many Randomats). There are some places where I've borrowed code from the original, but by and large I've rebuilt its events using the original as a guideline. Wherever possible, I've tried to incorporate TTT2's improved functions/features.
- Name: sh_accuracy_minigame
- Description: Deals damage to the shooter when they miss, heals them if they hit.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_accuracy_dmg - Damage dealt on a miss
- ttt2_minigames_accuracy_heal - Health healed on a hit
- Name: sh_ammo_minigame
- Description: Gives everyone inifinite ammo with non-special weapons.
- Name: sh_barrels_minigames
- Description: Spawns explosive barrels around each player throughout the round.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_barrels_count - Number of barrels spawned per player
- ttt2_minigames_barrels_range - Distance the barrels spawn from the player
- ttt2_minigames_barrels_timer - Time between barrel spawns
- Name: sh_bees_minigame
- Description: Spawns hostile bees
- Addon Dependencies:
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_bees_count - Number of bees spawned per player
- Name: sh_blind_minigame
- Description: The traitors are temporarily blinded for a configurable duration.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_blind_duration - Duration of the blindness
- Name: sh_blink_minigame
- Description: Spawns Weeping Angels which follow and kill players.
- Addon Dependencies:
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_blink_cap - Maximum angels to spawn
- ttt2_minigames_blink_delay - Delay between angel spawns
- Name: sh_butter_minigame
- Description: Every so often players drop the weapon they're holding.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_butter_timer - Time between each weapon drop
- ttt2_minigames_butter_affectall - If enabled, everyone drops their gun simulatenously otherwise only 1 player will drop their weapon at a time.
- Name: sh_cantstop_minigame
- Description: Everyone constantly moves forward.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_cantstop_disable_back - If enabled, players cannot hold their backwards movement key to stop moving.
- Name: sh_communism_minigame
- Description: Buying equipment buys it for every player
- Name: sh_crabs_minigame
- Description: When players die, headcrabs spawn on their body.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_crabs_count - Number of headcrabs to spawn
- Name: sh_credits_minigame
- Description: Gives everyone infinite credits.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_credits_count = Maximum credits that can be spent in a single purchase
- Name: sh_crowbar_minigame
- Description: Increases the damage and pushforce of the crowbar
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_crowbar_dmg - Damage multiplier for the crowbar
- ttt2_minigames_crowbar_push - Pushforce multiplier for the crowbar
- Name: sh_dying_minigame
- Description: Deals damage to a random player (or everyone) at a set interval
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_dying_timer - How often damage is dealt
- ttt2_minigames_dying_dmg - How much damage is dealt
- ttt2_minigames_dying_affectall - Should everyone be damaged simultaneously
- ttt2_minigames_dying_cankill - Should players be able to die from this minigame's damage
- Name: sh_explode_minigame
- Description: At a set interval, a random player (excluding Detectives) explodes.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_explode_timer - Time between explosions
- Name: sh_flash_minigame
- Description: Increases the timescale of the game. This increases movement speed, firerate, reload time, etc.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_flash_scale - Multiplier for timescale
- Name: sh_fov_minigame
- Description: Increases the FoV
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_fov_scale - FoV Multiplier
- Name: sh_freeze_minigame
- Description: At a set interval, all innocent team players freeze in place and become invincible for a short duration
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_freeze_timer - Time between freezes
- ttt2_minigames_freeze_duration - Duration of freeze
- ttt2_minigames_freeze_quotes - Replace minigame name with ice-related pop culture quotes for pop up
- ttt2_minigames_freeze_desc - Show the minigame explanation
- Name: sh_gas_minigame
- Description: Throughout the round, random grenades will spawn on players and explode
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_gas_timer - Time between grenade drops
- ttt2_minigames_gas_affectall - If enabled, grenades will drop on everyone simultaneously, otherwise a random player will be targeted
- ttt2_minigames_gas_discomb - Enables discombobulators
- ttt2_minigames_gas_fire - Enables incendiary grenades
- ttt2_minigames_gas_smoke - Enables smoke grenades
- Name: sh_grave_minigame
- Description: Dead players will revive as Infected.
- Addon Dependencies:
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_grave_health - Health of Infected respawned by the minigame
- ttt2_minigames_grave_delay - Respawn delay for the minigame's Infected
- Name: sh_gungame_minigame
- Description: Throughout the round, switch players' weapons with random new ones
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_gungame_timer - Time between loadout switches
- Name: sh_harpoon_minigame
- Description: Gives everyone infinitely restocking harpoons.
- Addon Dependencies:
- [Gamemode: TTT] Traitor Harpoon
- Different weapons can be set with the ttt2_minigames_harpoon_weaponid ConVar
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_harpoon_timer - Delay between giving new harpoons
- ttt2_minigames_harpoon_strip - If enabled, the minigame strips all other weapons.
- ttt2_minigames_harpoon_weaponid - Set the weapon class of the harpoon (or other weapon), by default is "ttt_m9k_harpoon"
- Name: sh_intensifies_minigame
- Description: Throughout the round, activates more and more minigames
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_intensifies_timer - Time between new minigame activations
- Known bugs/ TODO:
- This minigame can be unstable but stacking minigames is probably not what Alf anticipated when developing the TTT2 Minigames so that's to be expected
- Name: sh_inventory_minigame
- Description: Throughout the round, swap the inventories of random players
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_inventory_timer - Time between inventory swaps
- Known bugs / TODO:
- Frequently weapons go "missing" between swaps and can temporarily leave some players with no weapons.
- Affects Role-specific weapons/equipment
- Name: sh_jesters_minigame
- Description: There's one detective, one traitor, and everyone else is a jester.
- Addon Dependencies:
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_jesters_base_traitor - If enabled, forces the sole traitor to be a base traitor (no subrole)
- ttt2_minigames_jesters_base_detective - If enabled, forces the detective to be a base detective (no subrole)
- Known bugs / TODO:
- If there is no detective the minigame fails to start. (May implement an "Upgrade" function to ensure there is one)
- Name: sh_jump_minigame
- Description: Each player can only jump once, if they jump a second time they die
- Name: sh_lifesteal_minigame
- Description: Players gain health from killing other players
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_lifesteal_health - Health gained per kill
- ttt2_minigames_lifesteal_cap - Maximum health for minigame (0 to disable)
- Name: sh_malfunction_minigame
- Description: Throughout the round, players will randomly fire their weapon
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_malfunction_up - Maximum time between malfunctions
- ttt2_minigames_malfunction_lw - Minimum time between malfunctions
- ttt2_minigames_malfunction_all - If enabled, the malfunctions will effect everyone simulaneously, otherwise it will affect a random player
- ttt2_minigames_malfunction_dur - Length of the malfunction (how long the player fires for)
- Name: sh_mayhem_minigame
- Description: Players explode on death
- Name: sh_moongravity_minigame
- Description: Decreases gravity
- ttt2_minigames_moongravity_gravity - Gravity multiplier
- Name: sh_nofall_minigame
- Description: Disables fall damage
- Name: sh_pinball_minigame
- Description: Players bounce off one another
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_pinball_mult - Velocity multiplier for collisions
- Name: sh_pocket_minigame
- Description: Gives every player a random item from the equipment shop.
- Known bugs / TODO:
- Some items give errors which in turn break the weapon-gifting function so some players may not receive anything.
- Name: sh_president_minigame
- Description: The detective gets bonus health but if they die, everyone on their team (usually innocents) dies too.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_president_bonushp - Bonus health gained by detective
- Name: sh_privacy_minigame
- Description: Everyone is alerted when equipment is bought
- Name: sh_randomhealth_minigame
- Description: Everyone gets random health.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_randomhealth_up - Upper limit for random health gain
- ttt2_minigames_randomhealth_lw - Lower limit for random health gain
- Name: sh_randomwep_minigame
- Description: Everyone gets a random primary and secondary weapon that they cannot drop or exchange.
- Name: sh_randomxn_minigame
- Description: Activates a few more minigames
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_randomxn_count - Number of additional minigames to activate
- Known bugs / TODO:
- Similar issue to Randomness Intesifies
- Name: sh_recoil_minigame
- Description: Weapons propel players backwards based on damage
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_recoil_max - Maximum velocity from recoil
- Name: sh_regen_minigame
- Description: Player health regenerates a short delay after taking damage
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_regen_delay - Delay after taking damage to start healing
- ttt2_minigames_regen_hp - Health regained per second
- Name: sh_search_minigame
- Description: Bodies cannot be searched
- Name: sh_secret_minigame
- Description: All innocents become Spies
- Addon Dependencies:
- Name: sh_shrink_minigame
- Description: Decreases player size (and proportionally their health, movement speed, etc.)
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_shrink_scale - Shrinking scale factor
- Name: sh_shutup_minigame
- Description: Mutes all sounds
- Name: sh_sosig_minigame
- Description: Replaces all gunshot sounds with sosig.mp3
- Name: sh_suddendeath_minigame
- Description: Sets everyones health to 1
- Name: sh_suicide_minigame
- Description: Everyone gets a detonator for another player, if they use it, that player explodes and it tells everyone in chat " detonated "
- Name: sh_suspicion_minigame
- Description: Proclaims a player is suspicious. They are either a traitor or a jester
- Addon Dependencies:
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_suspicion_jst_chance - Chance of making the player a jester
- Name: sh_switch_minigame
- Description: Throughout the round, two random players' positions will be swapped.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_switch_timer - Time between switches
- Name: sh_texplode_minigame
- Description: One random traitor is marked to explode after a certain amount of time.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_texplode_timer - Time delay before the traitor explodes
- ttt2_minigames_texplode_radius - Size of the traitor's explosion
- Name: sh_visualizer_minigame
- Description: Players drop a visualizer on death
- Name: sh_wallhack_minigame
- Description: Players gain the ability to see players through the wall (like [TTT2] Tracker [ITEM])
- Name: sh_murder_minigame
- Description: Recreation of the Murder minigame in TTT. Traitors become murderers with an instant-kill knife, detective gets an instant-kill revolver. Everyone else loses their weapons and are made regular innocents. Pick up enough weapons get a revoler, if you shoot an innocent with the revolver, you drop it and go blind for a bit.
- ConVars:
- ttt2_minigames_murder_knife_dmg - Knife damage
- ttt2_minigames_murder_knife_speed - Speed multiplier when holding knife
- Known bugs / TODO:
- Gun pickups to Revolver code is sloppy and doesn't really work consistently
- Blind and drop weapon when innocent is shot is inconsistent
- Knife animations are broken
- TODO: Add throwing knife
- TODO (Maybe): Footsteps
- TODO (Maybe): Murderer smoke
- Current State: Its playable, but not where I'd like it to be. Use at your own risk
- Description: Players temporarily ragdoll when they jump
- Description: Players vote to kill
- Description: A random player chooses a minigame to activate
Randomat Weapon moved to TTT-2/ttt2mg-randomat
Known Bugs / TODO:
- The icon and model require the old randomat to be installed since I haven't made my own.
- Add sound effects
- Add randomat-like functionality to minigames (where events like "Get Down Mr. President" target the owner of the Randomat specifically) if I can figure out a somewhat elegant solution