
Linux CLI mod manager for Arma 3

Primary LanguagePython


Arma3Enquire is a Linux CLI mod manager for Arma 3 written in Python


Linux Package Requirements: screen steamCMD

Python Package Requirements: beautifulsoup4, enquiries, requests

This program assumes that you have a working Arma 3 Linux server. If you don't there are instructions here to set one up

Run the program with python enquire.py

When first running the program it is important to configure it to your setup. In order to do so there is a menu called Enquire Options which contains:

  • The location for your arma 3 install directory (This is the location that is used by force_install_dir in steamcmd)
  • The steam account used by steamcmd to download workshop mods
  • A steam workshop collection ID to download your mods from
  • The location for your server start script

Note: This program currently only supports downloading mods from a steam collection, so one is required for this program to work at the moment.