
Donation Management Project System is a Mission to end hunger and no wasting of food and other needy items to make a hungry-free world.

Primary LanguageHTML

Donation Management System

Donation Management Project System is a Mission to end hunger and no wasting of food and other needy items to make a hungry-free world.

In the current working scenerio, many NFO's are struggling with some issues mainly communication with thier member, heads and volunteer of needy items and being used to the needy people.

The project has a wide scope, as it is not intended to a particular organization. This project is going to develop generic software, which can be applied by any businesses organization. More over it provides facility to its users. Also the software is going to provide a huge amount of summary data.


Front-End: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Back-End: Python Django(3.1.3), SQLite (Database)


  • Donor
  • Volunteer
  • Admin

Donor Module

  • Add Donation Detail
  • View Donation History
  • Edit Profile
  • Change Passowrd

Volunteer Module

  • View Donation Collection Request
  • Update Donation Status & Remark
  • View Donation History
  • Edit Profile
  • Change Passowrd

Admin Module

Admin is the super user of the website who can manage everything on the website. Admin can log in through the login page

  • Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like the total new donation request, Total accepted donation, Total donation delivered, Total donors , Total volunteers and Total donation area.
  • View All New Donation Request.
  • Accept or Reject Donation
  • Assign Volunteer and Donation Area
  • Manage Donors.
  • View New Volunteer Registration Request.
  • Accept or Reject Volunteer.
  • Manage Volunteer.
  • Admin can also update the password.

Color Reference

Color Hex
Green #008000 #008000
Orange #ffa500 #ffa500
Red #ee1d29 #ee1d29
Yellow #ffff00 #ffff00
Blue #0000ff #0000ff



Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/Python-genius900/DonationManagement.git

Go to the project directory

  cd DonationManagement

Install dependencies

  pip install django==3.1.3

Start the server

  python manage.py runserver


For support, email khansaab7828@gmail.com