
A place for testing inspirations!

Primary LanguageRobotFrameworkMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to RF-Inspire!

The mission of the RF Inspire Project is to help testers better master the Robot Framework. From building & testing C/C++, Java, .Net, and (of course!) interfacing with Python there is always something weird - yet wonderful - to discover about Robot Frameworks?

If you are just getting started, the first thing you'll want to do is to review the standard libraries, certainly the built ins.

Starting out, my first examples use Builtins, String, Dialogs, and Process.


Moving forward the plan is to use RF to test everything I love to geek over. Targeting everything from AWS & CORBA to XML/RPC, thus far we've cobbled together some ideas for building and / or testing:

The RF Proper

GNU's C/C++ Compiler

Java Programs & Archives

Python Scripts



Next we will be providing some inspirations for building / testing (and / or tormenting?) C#, and VB.Net...

Will be doing much the same for CORBA, IIOP, Sqlite, AWS & others thereafter... I might even toss-in a Docker / K8s folder of 'testpirations as well?


If you want to support the effort, I seek no donations. Instead, simply feel free to purchase one of my educational or printed productions?