
PythonBiellaGroup official website

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Python Biella Group: website

Official community website

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Table of Contents
  1. Intro
  2. Features
  3. Roadmap
  4. How to maintain
  5. Other informations and documentation


Built with Material for MkDocs

Github Pages


Official PythonBiellaGroup community website


In the PBG website you can find:

  1. Home page and information about the community
  2. The code of conduct of the community
  3. List of all the past meetups
  4. Calendar with the upcoming events and meetups
  5. A reference and learning material with guides about python, technology and different tools
  6. A blog with all the news about Python and the community
  7. The list of our sponsors and partners
  8. The speaker guide


The first version and release of the website it's completed with all the features.

  • Multilingual support
  • Identify structure of the website sections
    • Home
    • Meetup (list of all meetup with video,keywords,contents) with tag
    • Wiki and articles section
    • Next events with calendar
    • Supporters section
    • Speakers section
  • Learning section
  • Quick feedback
  • Cookies request form
  • Migrate contents from old site
  • Template folder for contents
  • New home page
  • New 404 page
  • New CSS to improve design

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How to maintain


  1. Remember to install poetry because the python libraries and dependencies are managed with it.

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Testing and developing

To launch the project locally you need to:

  • Install the dependencies with poetry configuring the mkdocs-material-insight repository
source .env
poetry config http-basic.mkdocs ${GHCR_USERNAME} ${GHCR_TOKEN} && poetry install --with dev

With this instruction you are reading the .env file, configuring the repository and installing the dependencies with also the dev requirements.

  • To launch the project you can use the Makefile with the command:
make docs_launch
  • If you need to build the mkdocs artifacts to see the resources locally, you can use:
make docs_build

Please check the Makefile for more informations and commands.

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Launching with docker

If you want to launch the website using docker and nginx you need to do few steps:

  • Login to the docker registry to be able to download the base docker image we are using in the PythonBiellaGroup community that you can find here
source .env | docker login ghcr.io -u $GHCR_USERNAME -p $GHCR_TOKEN
  • Using the Makefile and docker-compose you can now launch directly the website, downloading the image, installing the libraries with poetry and passing the artefacts to a second stage container with nginx that it's service the website on the port 8044
make docker_launch

Remember that in this step it's used the .env file to access to the github registry to use mkdocs-material-insight repository.

  • After few seconds you are able to see the website to the address: http://localhost:8044

Remember at the end to logout from docker registry if you are not using it anymore:

docker logout ghcr.io

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Check before commit

Inside the repository we are using pre-commit to check the quality of the code.

Pre commit it's automatically installed and added inside the repository.

Before committing something launch the command to check the code quality:

# Precommit check launch with mkdocs
make check_project

# Precommit check launch with just
just check_project

If you are not launching this 2 commands before pushing something you risk to not pass pre-commit checks and you will have to commit again because automatically pre-commit will fix the problems in the repo.

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Release a new version of the website

To publish the project you need to make a new GITHUB RELEASE going on the webpage of the project.

Create a new release with a new tag, for example:

  • Release name: Release 0.0.5
  • Tag: 0.0.5

Remember to fill all the information of the new release in the description and then Release the new package.

Automatically the new pipeline will start.

Please remember to test before following the steps in Building the project

Remember also that only the admins and organizer can make a new release.

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Other informations and documentation

General link and documentation


Mkdocs useful tutorials

Interesting plugins

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