
ESP8266 Evil Twin + Deauther = Devil-Twin

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Devil-Twin = Evil Twin + Deauther -ESP8266

Welcome to the project. This project is Moddified with https://github.com/p3tr0s/PhiSiFi and https://github.com/SpacehuhnTech/esp8266_deauther Use this tool only on networks that you have permission for.

It uses an ESP8266 to attack a WiFi network using Deauther & Evil-Twin AP method.


  • Now you can control web interface with simple android app **NEW
  • Added .bin file for flash with android phoneđź–¤ **NEW
  • Dark themed UI
  • WIFI Refresh button (without reloading the page manually)
  • Wi-Fi Signal Strength show with -dbm
  • Deauthentication of a target WiFi access point
  • Evil-Twin AP to capture passwords with password verification against the og access point
  • It can do both attacks at the same time, no toggling of the deauther is required.


Victim POV Checking Password/ Main UI/
This is the main page. Here the user will write his password and send it. This is the post page. The user will be redirected here after entering the password. This is where the attacker can the passwords that has been Pawned. Here the attacker index, wifi names, mac, signal strenth (-dbm).

Install using Arduino IDE

  1. Install Arduino IDE
  2. In Arduino go to File -> Preferences add this URL to Additional Boards Manager URLs -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SpacehuhnTech/arduino/main/package_spacehuhn_index.json
  3. In Arduino go to Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager search for and install the deauther package
  4. Download and open Devil-Twin with Arduino IDE
  5. Select an ESP8266 Deauther board in Arduino under tools -> board
  6. Connect your device and select the serial port in Arduino under tools -> port
  7. Click Upload button

You can flash .bin file using esp8266-loader android app

How to use:

  • Connect to the AP named M4H4D!~H4$$4N with password devil2in from your phone/PC.
  • Select the target AP you want to attack .
  • Click the Start Deauthing button to send deauth frames and start kicking devices off the selected network.
  • Click the Start Evil-Twin button. {optionally reconnect to the newly created AP named same as your target. (will be open)}
  • You can stop any of the attacks by visiting while conected to Evil-Twin AP or by resetting the ESP8266.
  • Once a correct PASSWORD is found, AP will be restarted with default ssid "M4H4D!~H4$$4N" / "devil2in" and at the bottom of a table you should be able to see something like "Successfully got password for - TARGET_SSID - PASSWORD


The source code given in this public repo is for educational use only and should only be used against your own networks and devices!
Please check the legal regulations in your country before using it.



This software is licensed under the MIT License.