
:mag: Fuzzy incremental searching for emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp



Fuzzy matching is awesome, when done right.

This program lets you isearch for fiis and be taken to matches for flx-isearch-initialize-state. Searches currently only apply to symbols. The input string is flex matched to all symbols in the buffer, and all matching symbols are searched one by one.

For example, searching for fii in flx-isearch.el first takes you to

  • all instances of flx-isearch-index one by one
  • all instances of flx-isearch-initialize-state one by one
  • all instances of flx-isearch-lazy-index one by one
  • [...]
  • all instances of bounds-of-thing-at-point one by one

Obligatory screencast


The hope is that flx will be smart enough to quickly take you to the symbol you're thinking of with minimal effort. If you don't believe me, I encourage you to try flx. It's wonderful, and extrememly addicting.


By default, flx-isearch does not bind any keys. To use, install from MELPA with M-x package-install <ret> flx-isearch <ret>. package.el will automatically setup the appropriate autoloads, and you can then do this:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-s") #'flx-isearch-forward)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-r") #'flx-isearch-backward)


Everyone's favorite subject. I'm sure there are some in this code. I'm pretty sure this works on 24.4 and 24.3, but I don't have a way to test older versions. Issues welcome!


Flx isearch uses lewang/flx, a library that uses sophistocated heuristics to sort matches. It's awesome. Use it.

This was heavily inspired by emacsmirror/flex-isearch, a cool idea that lacks the intelligent sorting flx provides. Some code has been stolen borrowed from that package, especially the code that defines a major mode, as I've never made a major mode before.