
Change Python dict and list recursively, making Data Structures where keys can be accessed by attribute

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Latest Version Supported Python versions

Subclass of list and dict, recursively, giving attribute access and helper functions

import boa

>>> from boa import boa
# recursively transforme the data into boa
>>> a = boa({'b': {'c': [2, 3]}})

# make it accessible by key or attribute
>>> a['b']['c']
[2, 3]
>>> a.b.c
[2, 3]

Do what you usually do

boa return a subclass of dict and list, letting you do everything you use to do

everything in doc: list, dict can still be done

with the exception of overided methodes:

>>> li = boa([1, 2])
>>> li.reverse()
[2, 1]
>>> li # no change in the original list
[1, 2]

# behaviour of list.reverse:
>>> li.reverse(side_effect=True)
>>> li
[2, 1]
# or use list.reverse directly
>>> li = boa([1, 2])
>>> list.reverse(li)
>>> li
[2, 1]
>>> b = boa([1, {'d': 3}])
>>> c = b.copy()
>>> b[0] = 100

# c is a copy of b, and still a boa object:
>>> c[0]
>>> c[1].d


>>> li = boa([1, 2])
>>> li.index(4)  # same behaviour as the original
ValueError: 4 is not in list

>>> li.index(4, raise_exception=False)  # improvement

transforme inserted data too:

>>> a = boa({})
>>> a.x = {'y': {'z': 3}}
>>> a.x.y.z
>>> a.li = []
>>> a.li.append({'b': 2})
>>> a.li[0].b
>>> a['b'] = [{'li': [1, 2]}]
>>> a.b[0].li.map(lambda x: x+1)
[2, 3]

Add some usefull functions

on list:

.map & .filter

>>> li = boa([1, 2])
>>> li.map(lambda x: x+1)
[2, 3]

>>> li = boa([x for x in range(10)])
>>> li.filter(lambda x: 1 < x <= 4)
[2, 3, 4]

# .filter & .map return boa list
>>> li = boa([{'x': x} for x in range(10)])
>>> li.filter(lambda obj: obj.x < 2).map(lambda obj: obj.x)
[0, 1]


>>> li = boa([2, 3])
>>> li.reduce(lambda acc, x: acc*x)

random with .shuffle & .randomChoice

>>> arr = boa([x for x in range(10)])
>>> arr.shuffle()
[3, 1, 5, 8, 6, 2, 0, 7, 9, 4]

>>> arr.randomChoice()
# ``one of the element at random``

returning back to normal dict and list:

>>> a = boa({'li': [1, 2, {'k': 'v'}]})
>>> b = a.toPython()

>>> b.li
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'li'
>>> b['li'].map()
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'map'
>>> b['li'][2].k
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'k'

Overide attribute:

# can overide dictionary attributes, if you really want it:
>>> d = boa({'items': 1})
>>> d.keys = 2
>>> d.values()
dict_values([1, 2])

A wraps function

>>> @boa
>>> def fun(x):
>>>     return x

>>> fun({'a': 1}).a

wraps objet ?

class A:
    """simple doc"""
    d = {'key': 'value'}

    def fun(self, data):
        return data
>>> obj = boa(A())
# keep the class name and doc informations:
>>> obj.__class__.__name__
>>> obj.__doc__
'simple doc'
>>> obj.fun({'a': {'b': 4}}).a.b
>>> obj.d.key

# no side effect on class A:
>>> obj_2 = A()
>>> obj_2.fun({'b': 2}).b
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'b'
>>> obj_2.d.key
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'key'

to the moon !

class B:
    def get_a(self):
        return A()

    def get_b(self):
        return B()
>>> b = boa(B())
>>> b.get_a().d.key
>>> b.get_b().get_b().get_a().d.key