
Finite automata and regular languages

Primary LanguageHaskell

Regular Languages Toolbox

  • DFA: acceptance; complement and intersection; language emptiness and equivalence checking; minimisation
  • NFA: acceptance; union, concatenation, and star; powerset construction -> DFA; Kleene's algorithm -> Regexp;
  • Regexp: reversal; Thompson's construction -> NFA; monadic parser <- String; simplification using axioms of Kleene algebra from Kozen's book (highly experimental)

Docs hosted at https://pyxidatol-c.github.io/Regular-Language/ (incomplete).

CLI: Regexp equivalence testing

Checks whether the specification regexp and (possibly the complement of) the implementation regexp are equivalent. If not, a list of strings accepted by one but not the other will be displayed.


ghc Main.hs -o eq-regexp


Spec and Impl are equivalent

Impl accepts empty string but Spec doesn't