
Brute-forcing with style in Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskell


A haskell solver for Calculator The Game



initial value: 0; goal: -13; moves: 4; buttons: +3, -7, +/-]

import           CalculatorTheG

main :: IO ()
main =
    let v0      = 0
        goal    = -13
        nbMoves = 4
        ops     = [Add 3, Sub 7, Neg]
        f       = id
    in  putStrLn $ showSolution v0 goal nbMoves ops f
$ ghc solver && ./solver
+3 -> +3 -> +/- -> -7

LEVEL: 155

initiial value: 9; goal: 3001, moves: 9; buttons: 39 => 93, /3, Store, 31 => 00

import           CalculatorTheG

main :: IO ()
main =
        v0      = 9
        goal    = 3001
        nbMoves = 9
        ops =
            [Replace "39" "93", Div 3, StoreNew, StoreInsert, Replace "31" "00"]
        f = id
        putStrLn $ showSolution v0 goal nbMoves ops f
$ ghc solver && ./solver
Store(new) -> /3 -> Store(Ins) -> 39=>93 -> Store(new) -> Store(Ins) -> 39=>93 -> /3 -> 31=>00

LEVEL: 188

initial value: 25; goal: 822; moves: 6; portal piping the 1st digit counting from the left to the 3rd digit; buttons: Mirror, 5, Store, <<

import           CalculatorTheG

main :: IO ()
main =
    let v0      = 25
        goal    = 822
        nbMoves = 6
        ops     = [Mirror, Ins "5", StoreNew, StoreInsert, Delete]
        f       = portal 3 1
    in  putStrLn $ showSolution v0 goal nbMoves ops f
$ ghc solver && ./solver
5 -> Mirror -> Store(new) -> Store(Ins)

LEVEL: 194

initial value: 333; goal: 123; moves: 4; buttons: 1, 3, /2, [+]1]

import           CalculatorTheG

main :: IO ()
main =
    let v0      = 333
        goal    = 123
        nbMoves = 4
        ops     = [Ins "1", Ins "3", Div 2, IncrementButtonValues 1]
        f       = portal 3 0
    in  putStrLn $ showSolution v0 goal nbMoves ops f
$ ghc solver && ./solver
3 -> [+]1 -> /3 -> 2


To compute the (shortest) sequence of operations that beats a level, fill in the ???s below in solver.hs:

import           CalculatorTheG

main :: IO ()
main =
    let v0      = ???
        goal    = ???
        nbMoves = ???
        ops     = ???
        f       = ???
    in  putStrLn $ showSolution v0 goal nbMoves ops f


Parameter Type Description Example value(s)
v0 Int Initial value -42
goal Int Target value 520
nbMoves Int Maximum number of moves allowed 4
ops [Op] List of possible operations represented by the buttons [Add 1, Sum, Mirror] - see the complete list of Op values below
f Int -> Int Function applied after an operation is completed. Used to handle portals. id - no portals; portal 3 0 - pipes the 4th digit (index 3) from the right to the rightmost digit (index 0), e.g., 1234 -> 235


Constructor Example Corresponding button label Effect of said button
Add Int Add 1 + 1 6 -> 7
Sub Int Sub 1 - 1 44 -> 43
Mul Int Mul 2 × 2 32 -> 64
Div Int Div 2 / 2 20 -> 10 (only if the division yields an integer)
Square Square x^2 -2 -> 4
Cube Cube x^3 -3 -> -81
Ins String Ins "1" 1 7 -> 71
Neg Neg Neg 1 -> -1
Sum Sum Sum 123 -> 6
Reverse Reverse Reverse 69 -> 96
Replace String String Replace "31" "00" 31 => 00 3311 -> 3001
Delete Delete << 31 -> 3
ShiftR ShiftR Shift > 125 -> 512
ShiftL ShiftL Shift < 125 -> 251
Inv10 Inv10 Inv10 12590 -> 98510
Mirror Mirror Mirror 123 -> 123321
StoreNew StoreNew Store (long press) 99 -> 99 and the number 99 is stored, allowing you to insert the number 99 by pressing the store button (only if the number to be stored is positive)
StoreInsert StoreInsert 99 (after storing this number with StoreNew) 6 -> 699
IncrementButtonValues Int IncrementButtonValues 1 [+] 1 16 -> 16, but the values of other buttons are incremented by 1; e.g., Add 1 -> Add 2


  • [+] 1 interacts with Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Ins(, StoreInsert and Replace).

  • Insert and Replace only take string representations of non-negative integers as argument(s).

Brief Explanation

How does the code find a solution?

Well, using brute force: we attempt to apply each operation for each of the current values. That is, unless doing so gives us back a value that we have already encountered, in which case we will stop to avoid turning in circles. We then repeat this step with the freshly generated values, until we find the solution or the maximum number of steps allowed is reached. In the latter situation, an exception will be thrown.

Further optimisations are possible, of course, but somewhat unnecessary, as the current program is capable of finding the solutions to the problems in the original game in a split second.