
Hack for Nesoid v2.5.0

Primary LanguageSmali


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Nesoid is a very old NES emulator for Android devices, which was born in the Android 2.x era.

Nesoid is open source. You can get the latest source code here.

This repository is based on reverse engineering of the final version (versionCode: 62, versionName: 2.5.0). And with some modifications and fixes to accommodate modern Android devices.

What have I modified

  • Added Simplified Chinese translation
  • Removed some obsolete stuff
  • Redesigned dialog for back button when gaming
    • Now while gaming, if you press the back button, you can perform some quick actions
    • Before that you should press the menu key to load/save state, fast-forward, reset, etc. However, in modern Android OS, the menu key has long been abandoned
  • Optimized virtual (touch) keyboard
    • Redrawn virtual keyboard image (mimicking MyBoy!)
    • Added larger virtual keyboard option
    • Optimized the layout to make it more suitable for large-screen devices
  • Support auto-rotate and reverse landscape
  • Support to open nsf files directly
  • Support for hiding the navbar in fullscreen mode
  • Redrawn app icon
  • Enable hardware acceleration
  • Change the save location of in-game screenshots to /sdcard/Pictures/Screenshots
  • ... and some other fixes


Github Releases

How to compile

  • Prepare the jdk environment
  • Download apktool_2.6.1.jar
  • java -jar apktool_2.6.1.jar b <path of this project>


  1. Why decompile the apk instead of recompiling it from source?

For three reasons:

  1. Ancient stuff should keep it ancient, but also means compatibility
  2. The source code for the latest version (62-2.5.0) can't seem to be found on the web
  3. I'm lazy:)
  1. Why do I experience dropped frames when playing games?

Most likely it's because your device's screen refresh rate is higher than 60. Please lock the screen refresh rate to 60 in system settings.

  1. Does it support FDS roms?

Yes, but you need the disk drive system file (disksys.rom), then import it in the emulator settings.

  1. Which roms does it support?

The core of this emulator is based on FCEU, so its compatibility is good. But:

  1. UNIF (Universal NES Interchange format) format roms are not supported
  2. The roms of some Chinese pirated manufacturers are not supported
  3. Rom support for mapper 163 is not good (many of the roms of China NanJing Technology (南晶科技) are mapper 163)
  1. Is Net-play available?

Yes! I tested it on a Redmi Note 5 Pro with Android 11 and another Redmi K30 with Android 12.1, and it works fine with both Bluetooth and WiFi.

  1. Is Zapper available?

Yes, but you need to turn off the virtual keyboard first.

  1. Why is the input method keyboard sometimes displayed when entering the game?

Turn on "Use input method" in app settings, do not ask me why.