
A new paradigm of quantum computing Bosonic

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hydrogen Gas Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) for Quantum Computing


The project explores the potential of hydrogen gas Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) as a foundational element in the development of quantum computing systems. The study aims to analyze the physical properties of hydrogen BECs, focusing on coherence times, manipulation of quantum states, and scalability.


Bose-Einstein Condensates represent a state of matter where particles, known as bosons, coalesce into a single quantum state at ultra-low temperatures. This project examines hydrogen gas BECs due to hydrogen's simple atomic structure, which might offer extended coherence times and thus, be advantageous for quantum computing.


  • Creation of Hydrogen BECs: Detailed procedures for cooling hydrogen gas to a fraction of a Kelvin above absolute zero to form BECs.
  • Measurement of Coherence: Techniques employed to measure the coherence time of the BEC quantum states.
  • State Manipulation: Methods developed to manipulate the quantum states within the BEC using external fields and interactions.


The study aims to provide empirical data on:

  • The duration of the coherence times of hydrogen BECs.
  • The precision of state manipulation within the BEC.
  • The observed effects of environmental factors on BEC stability.


This section will discuss the implications of the results in the context of quantum computing. The compatibility of hydrogen gas BECs with existing quantum computing architectures and their potential to overcome current limitations will be analyzed.


The concluding remarks will synthesize the findings and provide insight into the future of hydrogen gas BECs in quantum computing, outlining the next steps for research and development.

How to Use This Repository

This repository contains the following files and folders: /Plots: Contains the plots generated from the data. /Scripts: Contains the scripts used to generate the plots.


Required packages:

  • QuTiP
  • Matplotlib
  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Plotly


Instructions for running the scripts to generate the plots. Run the scripts in the following order:

  • QuTiP_Simulation.py

  • QuTiP_Simulation_2.py

  • QuTiP_Simulation_3.py

  • QuTiP_Simulation_4.py

  • QuTiP_Simulation_5.py

  • QuTiP_Simulation_6.py

  • QuTiP_Simulation_7.py

  • QuTiP_Simulation_8.py

  • QuTiP_Simulation_9.py


If you use this work in your research, please cite the following paper: A. M. Wandia, "Hydrogen Gas Bose-Einstein Condensates as Quantum Computing Substrates," Self-published, 2023.


Allan Murimi Wandia - allanw.mk@gmail.com