following WASP ##Mapping reads
Map reads --> bam files (done by Darren) RNAseq 500HT Project
- single end
- hg19 (excluding 'random' chr)
- BWA, less than 3 mismatches: bwa aln -n2
SNPs in SNP directory
- chr<#>.snps.txt.gz
- position refallele altallele
awk -F"\t" '$4=="chr1" { print }' <file> > newfile
to run WASP on all the reads (including remapping reads step) and put into output Directory : <inputDir> <#jobspernode> <#Nodes> <outDir> <SNPDir>
###creating impute2 files
impute2 haplotype file
plink --bfile /group/ober-resources/resources/Hutterites/PRIMAL/imputed-override3/imputed_cgi.po --geno 0.15 --keep PO_ids --missing --out phasedPO_g0.15_AD_gexppl --recode 12 --transpose
where PO_ids contains parent of origin findivsgeno 0.15
: ~2.8M SNPsgeno 0.10
: ~ 1M SNPs
impute2 genotype file
- `plink