
HamsterKombat farming bot (taps, upgrades, morse, mini-game, keys)

Primary LanguagePython

Hamster Kombat Bot

Hamster Kombat auto farm bot. The developer is not responsible for any consequences of using this bot.

Use it at your own risk!


App Screenshot

conf.json (rename def_conf.json -> conf.json)

General options

"options": {
        "enableTaps": true,         // Auto taps if available taps > maxTaps / 2 + energy boost
        "enableDailyTasks": true,   // Auto StreakDays and Combo (combo reward is available only if all of the comboCards have been bought)
        "enableDailyCipher": true,  // Auto play Morse-game
        "enableMiniGames": false,   // Auto play MiniGames
        "enableUpgrade": true,      // Auto upgrade cards.
        "enablePromoGames": true,   // Auto promo keys gen and claim
        "defaultDelay": 3600        // MAX delay(sec) per check. Less then 1800 deactivate promoGames

User account options

  "clients": {
        "YOUR USER NAME": {
            "name": "",             // Your user name
            "token": "",            // Your tokent like "Bearer 123123..."
            "queryId": "",          // Your query id. You can use queryId auth if you don't have a token.
            "limitCoinPrice": 1000, // Limit of coin price to buy a card. coin price = card price / card profitPerHourDelta
            "minBalance": 0,        // Minimum Maintained Balance
            "excludeItems": []      // OPTIONAL! Cards id to exclude upgrade

NOTE: "token" must be absent if you use queryId auth.


Mac OS / Linux

Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/Q1001001/HamsterKombatBot.git && cd HamsterKombatBot && mv def_conf.json conf.json

Create and activate virtual env

python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate && pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Make your account settings to the conf.json and run the script

python3 hamster.py


  1. To create virtual env and install the dependencies run 'install.bat'
  2. Make your account settings to the 'conf.json'
  3. Run 'hamster.bat'