
🛠 This utility converts your LoadRunner Rules to JMeter Correlation Recorder Rules. 💙 All Contributions Welcome 🙏

Primary LanguagePython

contributions welcome saythanks


LoadRunner to JMeter Correlation Rules Converter 🛠


From *.cor to *.json. Period.

Overview 💡

This is a simple Python utility which will help you to convert your LoadRunner Correlation Rules to JMeter Correlation Rules.

Prerequisites 🚩

  • LoadRunner Correlation Rules (*.cor)
  • JMeter Plugin Manager w/ Blazemeter's Correlation Recorder plugin
  • Python 🐍

How to use this repository? 🏃‍♂️

  • Clone this repo
  • Install the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
  • cd into the repo
  • Issue the below command:
    python app.py -f <your-LoadRunner-Correlation-File>
    e.g. python app.py -f LR.cor
  • It will prompt to enter the details, if you are lazy 🐢 like me just keep hitting the enter key. After few hits, you will get a template and repository JSON as shown below.


Aftermath 🌪

After generating the JSON files, you have to follow the below steps to utilize it in JMeter.

  • Place the folder where it is accessible, e.g. GitHub Repo
  • Add bzm - Correlation Recorder to your JMeter test plan
  • Click on Load Template


  • Click on Config


  • Enter unique Id and URL as shown below.


  • If all is well, you will get the below success message.


  • You could see your rules have been loaded in the Templates Manager


  • Click on the rule which you would like to install and then click on Install


  • You will get success message as shown below.


  • To load the rule, click on Load


  • You could see your LoadRunner Rules in JMeter.


After loading the rules, you will have to fill the Match Number, Group Number, Correlation Replacement etc.

Tested with 🔨

This utility has been tested with:

  • Micro Focus LoadRunner 2020 SP 2
  • Apache JMeter 5.3
  • Blazemeter Correlation Recorder 1.1

License 🔒


Contributions 💙

All contributions welcome. Please submit a PR.