
csharp-openfire-restapi is an C# based Client for the Openfire REST API Plugin which provides the ability to manage Openfire instance by sending an REST/HTTP request to the server.

I write this library for my own project. Because of referring to JAVA REST-API-CLIENT, I release the library for users which creates website and integrate it with openfire for XMPP chat APP.


I use RestSharp for basic REST API and JSON.NET. Please refer to RestSharp and JSON.NET and install it in visual studio.



  • HTTP basic Authentication
  • Secret Key Authentication

// Basic HTTP Authentication OpenfireAuthenticator authenticator = new OpenfireAuthenticator("admin", "testPassword"); OpenfireAPIClient client = new OpenfireAPIClient("", 9090, authenticator);

// Shared secret key OpenfireAuthenticator authenticator = new OpenfireAuthenticator("shared secret key"); OpenfireAPIClient client = new OpenfireAPIClient("", 9090, , authenticator);

User Related Example

//Request All available users UserEntities ues = client.getUsers();

//Get specific user by username UserEntitity ue = client.getUser("commbigo")

//Create new user bool result = client.createUser(new UserEntity { username = "test", email = "test@gmail.com", name = "test", password = "ZAQ!2wsx"});