This repository hosts the hashing replacement script and yara rule detailed in the huntress blog.
This script is intended as a proof of concept only.
Huntress takes no responsibility for the effectiveness or reliability of its output
‼️ This tool is intended for use by authorized persons or researchers only. You should only test systems on which you have explicit permission or authority.
python <32 or 64> <name of your shellcode>
Eg for 32-bit/x86 payloads
python 32 shellcode.bin
for 64-bit/x64 payloads
python 64 shellcode.bin
- The list of API names and libraries are currently hardcoded. This could could be improved with code to load and parse the exports from a given dll file.
- Only (dnsapi.dll,ws2_32.dll,kernel32.dll,wininet.dll) are supported in the provided script. Your shellcode will break if you run this script on a file that utilises any other library.
- For any given export, Hash values will "cycle" upon multiples of 32. Eg a ror value of 1,33 and 65 will produce the same hash value.
- Much of the logic relies on crude search-and-replace logic, which may accidentally replace the wrong value and break your code.