
Use @CardanoTipBot to tip ADA & tokens with Twitter!


  • Use @Cardano_Tip_Bot to tip ADA & tokens with Twitter!
  • Use [Cardano Tip Bot#7235] to tip ADA & tokens with Discord!
  • Use [@CardanoTip_Bot] to tip ADA & tokens with Telegram!

Disclaimer / Terms of uses

By using the Cardano Tip Bot you are accepting the following terms :

  1. We are not responsible for lost funds or incorrect balances. Use at your own risks!
  2. This software is provided to promote engagement in Cardano Discord servers or Cardano Telegram channels in a fun way.
  3. Inactive accounts will be deleted after 180 days. An account is considered inactive if it didn't send or receive tips in 180 consecutive days.

Examples of recommended uses of the Cardano Tip Bot

  1. Tip a Cardano community member for a positive contribution to the ecosystem.
  2. Tip a Cardano community member for answering another community member's question with a helpful answer.
  3. Tip a Cardano community member for making a tweet or message that raises a good debate.

Examples of what cannot be done when using the Cardano Tip Bot

  1. The Cardano Tip Bot should not be used for online crowdfunding or to fund any political party.
  2. The Cardano Tip Bot can be used with non-Cardano related tweets, but must not spam these non-Cardano related tweets.
  3. The Cardano Tip Bot should not be used in a disrespectful manner to insult or discriminate against another Discord or Telegram user
  4. The Cardano Tip Bot should not be used in any criminal/illegal activities.
  5. Store and/or transfer large amount of ADA or tokens.

If any of the above situations are detected or reported, the account will be blocked from the bot temporarily or permanently.

Limitations / Processing delays

Discord and Telegram version

  1. When handling deposits/withdrawals, the bot transfers to/from the master wallet and waits for a certain amount of blocks before updating your balance. This is to make sure your deposit/withdrawal isn't rollbacked by a chain fork.


  1. Your internal wallet is linked to your Telegram @username.
    1. If your Telegram @username is not configured in your settings, you will not be able to use the bot.
    2. If you change your Telegram @username you will lose your balance, please withdraw your assets before changing it.

Supported assets

  1. ADA (6 decimals) 1 ADA = 1000000 lovelace
  2. lovelace (0 decimal) 1 lovelace = 0.000001 ADA
  3. HOSKY (a0028f350aaabe0545fdcb56b039bfb08e4bb4d8c4d7c3c7d481c235.484f534b59) (0 decimal)
  4. MIN (29d222ce763455e3d7a09a665ce554f00ac89d2e99a1a83d267170c6.4d494e) (6 decimals)
  5. WMT (1d7f33bd23d85e1a25d87d86fac4f199c3197a2f7afeb662a0f34e1e.776f726c646d6f62696c65746f6b656e) (6 decimals)
  6. CLAY (38ad9dc3aec6a2f38e220142b9aa6ade63ebe71f65e7cc2b7d8a8535.434c4159) (4 decimals)
  7. BOOK (51a5e236c4de3af2b8020442e2a26f454fda3b04cb621c1294a0ef34.424f4f4b) (6 decimals)
  8. rsERG (04b95368393c821f180deee8229fbd941baaf9bd748ebcdbf7adbb14.7273455247) (9 decimals)
  9. AXO (420000029ad9527271b1b1e3c27ee065c18df70a4a4cfc3093a41a44.41584f) (9 decimals)
  10. NMKR (5dac8536653edc12f6f5e1045d8164b9f59998d3bdc300fc92843489.4e4d4b52) (6 decimals)
  11. USDM (c48cbb3d5e57ed56e276bc45f99ab39abe94e6cd7ac39fb402da47ad.0014df105553444d) (6 decimals)
  12. BEARD (8d7526784ef72fe0ccdd085976ada0da88e7fb013e38e794b0923341.4245415244) (0 decimal)

Any decimals beyond what's declared above will be discarded. For example 1.23456789 ADA is automatically converted to 1.234567 ADA (ie 1234567 lovelace).

k, M and B suffixes are supported everywhere you can specify an amount:

  • k = * 1 000 (1k HOSKY = 1000 HOSKY)
  • M = * 1 000 000 (1M HOSKY = 1000000 HOSKY)
  • B = * 1 000 000 000 (1B HOSKY = 1000000000 HOSKY)


  1. Deposit fee: 0.25 developer $ADA + network transaction fee (about 0.18-0.20 $ADA)
  2. Withdrawal fee: 0.25 developer $ADA + network transaction fee (about 0.18-0.20 $ADA)
  3. Tip: Free!

How it works

Each Discord user or Telegram user gets assigned its own, unique deposit address. The user sends $ADA & supported assets to its deposit address to funds its balance. CardanoTipBot will move these funds to a central wallet and update the user's balance in the internal database. The user can now tip other users. The user can also withdraw its $ADA & assets at any time.


It is not possible to link your Discord and Telegram account at the moment, but it may be possible in the future.

How to use

Direct/Private messages

On Discord, you can send a private message to Cardano Tip Bot#7235 to create and view information about your wallet:

On Telegram, you can send a private message to @CardanoTip_Bot to create and view information about your wallet:

WARNING FOR USERS : Make sure the bot username is the one mentioned above to prevent SCAM. On Discord, if the identifier after Cardano Tip Bot is not #7235, it's a SCAM.*

  1. /info will return the following message:

    Please refer to the user guide in my profile's description for how to use me.
    Your balance is:
    7.952868 ADA
    2000000 HOSKY
    Minimum withdrawal amount: 2.0 ADA
    Deposit fee: 0.1 ADA + network fee*
    Withdrawal fee: 0.1 ADA + network fee** (capped at 0.5 ADA)
    Available commands:
    Show your balance
    Show this message
    Show your deposit address & activate the monitoring of your deposit address for the next 3 hours
    /withdraw <address or $handle> <amount> <asset>
    Withdraw ADA & assets
    * Network fee for /deposit is about ~0.2 ADA
    **  Network fee for /withdraw can be up to 1.0 ADA, but the overall fees paid by the user is capped at 0.5 ADA
  2. /balance will return the following message:

    Your balance is:
    7.952868 ADA
    2000000 HOSKY
  3. /deposit will return the following message:

    Please refer to the user guide in my profile's description for how to use me.
    Your deposit address is: addr1qxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Your deposit address will be monitored for the next 3 hours. You will need to message me again to restart the monitoring.
    You will receive a message when a deposit is processed.
    Assets supported for deposits*:
    - HOSKY (2aa9c1557fcf8e7caa049fa0911a8724a1cdaf8037fe0b431c6ac664.50494759546f6b656e)
    Recommended deposit amount: 3.0 ADA
    Deposit fee: 0.1 ADA + network fee**
    * Any deposit containing an unsupported asset will be returned MANUALLY, minus deposit fee**
    ** Network fee is about ~0.2 ADA
  4. /withdraw <address or $handle> <amount> <asset> will allow you to send the <amount> <asset> to an <address> where:

    • address or $handle is a shelley address you own or your ADA $handle that is not an exchange
    • amount is the amount you want to withdraw
    • asset is the asset you want to withdraw (case insensitive)

    Multiple amount and assets can be specified in the following format amount asset[, amount asset[,...]]. Valid examples:

    • 3 ADA
    • 1000 lovelace
    • 3 ADA, 1000000 hosky
    • 1000000 hosky

    The complete command could look like /withdraw addr1qxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3 ADA, 1000000 hosky or /withdraw $your_ADA_handle 4 ADA

How to tip?


Before tipping someone make sure the bot is on the Discord server by checking for user Cardano Tip Bot#7235.

You can tip someone by sending the following message in a public Discord channel : /tip @DiscordUser <amount> <asset> where:

  • @DiscordUser is the tag of the person you want to tip
  • amount is the amount you want to tip
  • asset is the asset you want to tip (case insensitive)

The complete command could look like /tip @DiscordUser 3 ada, 1000000 hosky on Discord.


Before tipping someone make sure the bot is on the Telegram channel by checking for user @CardanoTip_Bot.

You can tip someone by sending the following message in a public Telegram channel : !tip @TelegramUser <amount> <asset> [message] where:

  • @TelegramUser is the tag of the person you want to tip
  • amount is the amount you want to tip
  • asset is the asset you want to tip (case insensitive)
  • message is an optional text

The complete command could look like !tip @TelegramUser 3 ADA, 1000000 hosky wow great work, thank you! on Telegram.

Specific commands

Discord / Telegram

  1. /rain <duration> <assets> allows you to distribute <assets> equally among everyone who sent at least one message in the last <duration> timeframe in the channel. For examples:
    • /rain 15m 1000000 HOSKY will distribute a total of 1 000 000 HOSKY split equally among everyone who sent a message in the channel in the last 15 minutes
    • /rain 1h30m 10 ADA, 1000000000 HOKSY will distribute a total of 10 ADA and 1 000 000 000 HOSKY split equally among everyone who sent a message in the channel in the last 1 hour and 30 minutes


  1. [RESTRICTED]1 /createraininterval <name> <interval> <duration> <assets> allows you to setup an automatic rain on the channel.

    • /createraininterval hourly-rain 1h 15m 1000000 HOSKY will distribute a total of 1 000 000 HOSKY split equally among everyone who sent a message in the channel in the last 15 minutes, every hour
    • /createraininterval daily-rain 24h 1h30m 10 ADA, 1000000000 HOKSY will distribute a total of 10 ADA and 1 000 000 000 HOSKY split equally among everyone who sent a message in the channel in the last 1 hour and 30 minutes, every 24 hours

    NOTE: If your balance is insufficient when the interval executes, the interval will be removed automatically and you will need to recreate it.

  2. [RESTRICTED]1 /removeraininterval <name> will remove your rain interval named '' in the current channel.

  3. [RESTRICTED]1 /listraininterval will list all your active rain intervals in the current channel.

  4. /giveaway <duration> <assets> allows you to distribute <assets> equally among everyone who reacts with at least one emoji to the message in the next <duration> timeframe. For examples:

    • /giveaway 15m 1000000 HOSKY will distribute a total of 1 000 000 HOSKY split equally among everyone who reacts with an emoji to the message in the next 15 minutes
    • /giveaway 1h30m 10 ADA, 1000000000 HOKSY will distribute a total of 10 ADA and 1 000 000 000 HOSKY split equally among everyone who reacts with an emoji to the message in the next 1 hour and 30 minutes
  5. /raffle <duration> <assets> allows you to distribute <assets> to one random person who reacted with at least one emoji to the message in the next <duration> timeframe. For examples:

    • /raffle 15m 1000000 HOSKY will distribute 1 000 000 HOSKY to one random person who reacts with an emoji to the message in the next 15 minutes
    • /raffle 1h30m 10 ADA, 1000000000 HOKSY will distribute 10 ADA and 1 000 000 000 HOSKY to one random person who reacts with an emoji to the message in the next 1 hour and 30 minutes
  6. /flash <emoji> <assets> allows you to distribute <assets> to the first person who reacts with <emoji> to the message.

  7. /trade_wallet allows you to see your trade wallet information (address, seed, balance, etc.)

  8. /swap <in asset quantity> <in asset name> <out asset name> allows you to swap <in asset quantity> of <in asset name> for <out asset name> using DexHunter. This uses your trade wallet.

1 Restricted commands are not available to everyone.


I made a deposit, but my account was never credited.
  1. Make sure the bot still scans your deposit address. To reduce load on the servers, addresses without activity are not scanned after 3 hours. You can DM /deposit to the bot to enable the scanning of your deposit address again.
  2. Make sure you deposited enough $ADA to pay the fees to transfer to the master wallet. Each UTxO needs at least 1.0 $ADA attached so if you deposited exactly 1.0 $ADA the bot can't transfer to the master wallet. You can check your deposit address balance on cardanoscan.io. You can also send more $ADA to cover the fees. A safe amount to deposit is 3 $ADA.
  3. Contact @QCPOLstakepool for assistance.
Can I send/withdraw multiple assets in the same command?

Yes, multiple amount and assets can be specified in the following format amount asset[, amount asset[,...]]. Valid examples:

  • 3 ADA
  • 1000 lovelace
  • 3 ADA, 1000000 hosky
  • 1000000 hosky

Like the bot? Support us!

If you like bot and would like to support us, you can:

  1. Tip the bot!
    1. On Discord by using the following command on any server where the bot is present /tip @CardanoTipBot 1 ADA
    2. On Telegram by using the following command on any channel where the bot is present !tip @CardanoTip_Bot 1 ADA
  2. Stake some $ADA with QCPOL Stake Pool



Due to new Twitter API access levels, the bot will lose access to core APIs needed to run. Starting April 29th 2023, the Twitter version will stop working. Please withdraw all your assets. The assets will be held for a period of 6 months and you can contact @QCPOLstakepool for a manual withdrawing. After October 31st 2023, it won't be possible to withdraw the Twitter funds anymore and assets will be donated to the authors (@QCPOLstakepool).


Support of MINt was dropped on April 10th 2023 00:00 UTC on all instances (Twitter, Discord and Telegram). The remaining MINt were donated to the authors (@QCPOLstakepool).