
analogue of the FastQC program

Primary LanguagePython


QC-TError - FastQC program analogue

Python tool for basic statistics on quality of raw Illumina reads


QC-TError is a tool that you can use to get basic statistics on your raw Illumina reads. With help of it you can obtain information regarding:

  • basic statistics
    • length of reads presented in the data
    • total number of reads
    • average content of GC in sequence
    • number of reads that have poor quality
  • visualtisation of:
    • average per base quality of reads
    • sequence quality per tile
    • distribution of average read quality score
    • per base sequence content
    • per sequence GC content


You can do a test run on the data presented as a example.fastq. The data was taken from
https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/amp_res_2_fastq_zip/10006541. This data was additionally corrected: it consist out of first 60 reads, some of them are also shorterned for purposes to see difference in the plot regarding reads_length.


  • clone this repository into you local

  • it is better to use virtual environment (conda or virtualenv)

  • before first start run pip install -r requirements.txt in the terminal (in your virtual environment better)

  • then you can start

  • the correct work had been cheched for Ubuntu 20.4 and Windows 10, but if you can choise, Ubuntu is better

  • the script works correct with python 3.8


  • To run program type python main.py -i file.fastq (or use your python3 interpreter) in project directory
  • If you want, you can specify output directory: python main.py -i file.fastq -o path/to/dir
  • Program will count the number of reads, create folder QCTerror_res and exit
  • All pictures and tables into QCTerror_res/pictures/ and QCTerror_res/tables/ folders
  • The pdf report generation takes some time, so you can take a coffee break or just comment (#) last string in amateur_maker() (in main.py)
  • Enjoy :)

Authors and acknowledgements:

  • Anna Koroleva,https://github.com/Ann-Krlv
    • Contributed to quality_per_base, gc_counter, duplicate_counter,per_sequence_quality_score_print, testing - IDEA DEVELOPER
  • Valeria Ladygina, https://github.com/ValeriiaLadyhina
    • Responsible for README.md, created Logo, contributed to quality_per_base ,gc_counter, base_content, read length, flake 8 - PLOT BEAUTIMAKER
  • Leonid Zhozhikov, https://github.com/LyonyaZhozhikov
    • responsible for the part of the tool that creates report - GOD of REPORTS
  • Oxana Kolpakova, https://github.com/OxanaKolpakova
    • Contributed to per_sequence_quality_score_print, requirements, last fixes for flake 8, testing - SUPER TESTER


If you have any questions, bug reports or complains please approach the authors of FastQ Filtrator via email:

valeriia.ladyhina@gmail.com - responsible for communication with clients