
🔨 Base for an ACM/IEEE article

Primary LanguageTeX

Template for an article written in LaTeX

This project is composed of all the required files to create an article in LaTeX either following the ACM or IEEE format interchangeably.

├── ACM-Reference-Format.bst             # ACM bib style
├── acmart.cls                           # ACM class document    
├── IEEEtran.bst                         # IEEE bib style                     
├── IEEEtran.cls                         # IEEE class document
├── article_ACM.tex                      # Main ACM tex file, resolve TODOs and add packages
├── article_IEEE.tex                     # Main IEEE tex file, resolve TODOs and add packages
├── bibliography.bib                     # Bibliography with examples for types
├── easyReview2.sty                      # Styling file
├── img                                  # Image folders
│   └── default.png                      # Default image used in the figure templates
├── codes                                # Code snippets to display with minted
│   └── example.js                       # Example
├── Makefile                             # Makefile for both ACM and IEEE backend (+ textidote)
├── reviews.md                           # Comments of the reviewers to process                  
├── tex                                  # Actual chapters
│   ├── abstract.tex                     # Abstract
│   ├── main.tex                         # The rest
└── textidote                            # Textidote files
    ├── ignored.txt                      # Dictionary of words the spell check will ignore
    ├── report_ACM.html                  # ACM report
    └── report_IEEE.html                 # IEEE report

The compilation of the LaTeX files can be launched with the following commands:

$ make      # both ACM and IEEE
$ make ieee # only IEEE
$ make acm  # only ACM

If textidote is installed, make commands can be used to run the checkers:

$ make checkacm  # run textidote against article_ACM.tex and writes to textidote/report_ACM.html
$ make checkieee # same for IEEE
$ make check     # run textidote for both

Note that some words can be ignored and have to be written in textidote/ignored.txt (1 per line with no blank lines).