
consider setting .dll filenames in the config file

Closed this issue · 5 comments

What is affected by this bug?

Some of our equipment can be used on 32 bit machines or on 64 bit machines. Does it make sense to set .dll filenames in the config file so that the .dll loaded is not 'hard coded' into the hardware module?

Where on the platform does it happen?

Hardware modules that have both 32 bit and 64bit .dll files:

  • NovaSDK
  • PI GCS
  • PI GCS2

@latchr what do you think about this?

Given that we think that this is a good idea, do you think that we should then;

  1. Specify the .dll filename, and not change where qudi looks for .dll files (inside local/thirdparty),
  2. Check the system environment (32 bit or 64 bit), then load the relevant .dll from local/thirdparty,
  3. Either 1 or 2, AND set a default path to local/thirdparty but make this configurable for each .dll.

This is each to change on our development branches, but would this "style guide" be a breaking change on the master branch?

As per the Thorlabs APT motor hardware module, on activate I now check for 32bit or 64bit architecture and choose the appropriate dll.