Regression Exercises


  • Learn how to apply Regression Models while practicing the repetitve skills of:
    • Acquire
    • Prepare
    • Split
    • Explore
    • Feature Engineer
    • Hypothesis Creation
    • Hypothesis Testing
    • Feature Selection
    • Model Creation
    • Model Evaluation
    • Model Selection
    • Model Test
    • Summary & Conclusion of Analaysis

Acquisition and Preperation Lesson

  • Create regression-exercises repository
    • Create this file
    • Create wrangle.ipynb Jupyter Notebook to show work
    • Create file to run custom Functions
    • Create function wrangle_zillow to perform all Acquire and Prepare tasks

Scaling Numeric Data Lesson

  • Create scaling.ipynb Jupyter Notebook to show work
  • Create a Function in your to scale the zillow DataFrame
    • I wrote the function scale_data into my file
      • scale_data takes in arguments (train, test, validate, columns_to_scale, scaler, return_scaler=False)
      • train = Assign the train DataFrame
      • validate = Assign the validate DataFrame
      • test = Assign the test DataFrame
      • columns_to_scale = Assign the Columns that you want to scale
      • scaler = Assign the scaler to use MinMaxScaler(), StandardScaler(), RobustScaler(), or QuantileTransformer()
      • return_scaler = False by default and will not return scaler data True will return the scaler data before displaying the _scaled data

Exploration Lesson

  • Create explore.ipynb Jupyter Notebook to show work
  • Create file to hold custom functions
    • I wrote my functions into a combined file
    • Create a function named plot_variable_pairs that accepts a dataframe as input and plots all of the pairwise relationships along with the regression line for each pair.
    • Create a function named plot_categorical_and_continuous_vars that accepts your dataframe and the name of the columns that hold the continuous and categorical features and outputs 3 different plots for visualizing a categorical variable and a continuous variable

Evaluating Regression Models Lesson

  • Create evaluate.ipynb Jupyter Notebook to show work
  • Create file to hold custom functions
    • I wrote my functions into a combined file
    • Create the following Fuctions:
      • plot_residuals(y, yhat): creates a residual plot
      • regression_errors(y, yhat): returns the following values: sum of squared errors (SSE) explained sum of squares (ESS) total sum of squares (TSS) mean squared error (MSE) root mean squared error (RMSE)
      • baseline_mean_errors(y): computes the SSE, MSE, and RMSE for the baseline model
      • better_than_baseline(y, yhat): returns true if your model performs better than the baseline, otherwise false

Feature Engineering Lesson

  • Create feature_engineering.ipynb Jupyter Notebook to show work

Modeling Lesson

  • Create modeling.ipynb Jupyter Notebook to show work