
Download with youtube-dl using command line arguments or configuration files

Primary LanguageShell


Linting Docker Publish Docker image

yt-dl - download videos from various online video platforms.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

NOTE: The docker command provided in this quick start is just an example. You will likely need to add additional parameters depending on how you would like to use youtube-dl.

It is suggested to configure an shell function as follows (and append to your ~/.profile file):

function yt-dl() {
    docker run \
        --rm -it \
        --name youtube-dl \
        -e PGID=$(id -g) \
        -e PUID=$(id -u) \
        -v "$(pwd)"/downloads:/downloads:rw \
        qnimbus/youtube-dl $@

Or using docker-compose:

PGID=$(id -g) PUID=$(id -u) docker-compose run --rm youtube-dl

HANDY HINT: After updating your ~/.profile file, run source ~/.profile to make your changes live! Alternatively you can logout of your shell and log back in.

When you run youtube-dl (e.g: yt-dl <video_url>) it will download the video file to the ./downloads folder in your current working directory.

Environment variables

Environment variable Default Possible values Description
LOG yes yes, no, true, false Writes stderr and stdout to /downloads/log folder.
PGID $(id -g) valid GID The group id (GID) used to run the youtube-dl as.
PUID $(id -u) valid UID The user id (UID) used to run the youtube-dl as.

Shell access

To get shell access to a running container execute the following command:

docker exec -ti [CONTAINER NAME] /bin/bash

Where CONTAINER is the name of the running container.

To start a fresh container with a shell (instead of youtube-dl) execute the following command:

docker run --rm -ti --entrypoint=/bin/bash qnimbus/youtube-dl


Visit the official youtube-dl documentation for command line and configuration options.

Configuration file

To prevent having to specify many command line arguments every time you run youtube-dl you may wish to have an external configuation file. This configuration file needs to be exposed to the Docker container using a volume mount. In the example below the youtube-dl.conf file is assumed to reside in the present work directory (pwd). It is mount as a read-only file in the youtube-dl Docker container.

docker run \
        --rm -i \
        -e PGID=$(id -g) \
        -e PUID=$(id -u) \
        -v "$(pwd)"/downloads:/downloads:rw \
        -v "$(pwd)"/youtube-dl.conf:/etc/youtube-dl.conf:ro \

If you need help creating a youtube-dl.conf configuration file you can view the official youtube-dl documentation.

Support or Contact

Having troubles with the container or have questions? Please create a new issue.


You can test the container by downloading a small sample video from Youtube like so:

docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}/downloads:/downloads qnimbus/youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EngW7tLk6R8


When running the docker commands from a Windows Git Bash shell (MSYS) you may need to prepend the MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 environment variable to the commands like so:

MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}/downloads:/downloads qnimbus/youtube-dl --version