
Data ETL on Local machine

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


My Production Data Process Steps:

1.StagedRaw.py: Prepare the timestamp data

Step 1-1: Read raw data in Excel format, then combine 20 kitting line's data into 1 giant sheet; (Notes: the kitting line's name is not included in raw data, it's traced by tab's name. Therefore, I add a new column with the kitting line's name)

Step 1-2: detect any missing data & remove any duplicate data; (Notes: basically need to figure out "if all kitting line have finished all production batch")

Finally, export in CSV as "raw data staging file"

2.toDiscreteEventData.py: Transfer the Time stamp data to event data Transform timestamp data to event data, the new data frame should be: ['Event_id', 'Start Time', 'Finish Time', 'Activity', 'Recipe Name', 'Break Reasons', 'Missing Ingredients', 'Kitting Line', 'Assembly Batch', 'Event Shift', 'Team Leader', 'Pickers Count', 'Time Consumption']

Step 2-1: df_event['Finish Time'] = df_staged['Timestamp and Date'] df_event['Start Time'] = df_staged['Timestamp and Date'].(row_index + 1)

Step 2-2: df_event['Activity'] is fully depended on df_staged['Barcode']

Step 2-3: use the fisrt occured Recipe's name in the next to replace the NA manully fill df_staged['Recipe Name'][0&1] as the 'recipe name'; reverse series/array data; find the first vaild cell's index; find the recipe name;

Step 2-3: fill in ['Break Reasons', 'Missing Ingredients', 'Kitting Line', 'Assembly Batch', 'Kitting Line', 'Assembly Batch'] with full functional dependency rules &&/|| conditional dependencies rules

Step 2-4: fill in ['Event Shift','Time Consumption'] by conditional functional dependencies rules

Step 2-5: fill in ['Team Leader', 'Pickers Count'] by CFD. However, may require nomarlize later

Step 2-6: give each event an ID

Step 2-7: loop out the final data for analysis as "prepared data"

Key Points: #using outer/full join to perserve as much raw data as possible (concat)

#pd.Timestamp("timestamp aliked data") => return a "timestamp"

#pd.Timedelta(t2-t1) => return the time difference between t1 and t2

Beware to use the "pipenv" -- PythonStatistics for jupyther kernel

Downgrade VSCode Python (AT LEAST version 2020.9.111407 is broken)