
Sound effects discussion

HuangJunye opened this issue · 6 comments

The sound effects should follow similar direction as the visual effects:
Make the game as similar to the original as possible. But the moment quantumness comes in, it goes wild.

I can think about several sounds

  1. Classical paddle bounce sound: as close to original as possible
  2. Non-superposed quantum paddle (only X gate involved) bounce sound: same as classical paddle bounce sound. Or perhaps we can tune a little bit.
  3. Superposed quantum paddle (H gate involved) bounce sound: some cool sound, depending on the states?
  4. Normal ball bounce from the wall: as close to original as possible
  5. Superposed ball bounce from the wall: some cool sound, depending on the states?
  6. Measurement sound: sound of collapsing (as the states are collapsed after measurement).

@HuangJunye I actually have obtained a few classic sounds and was planning on adding them into the game either this or next week. The quantum sounds could be really interesting, that will take some work, maybe I can source them from an actual machine?

What kind of sound can you source from a quantum computer? I was thinking about sounds generated using James’ Quantum Toy Piano (

@HuangJunye well I think i can get some pulse sounds out of it, but I am not sure if I will get the permissions

@HuangJunye also in the meantime i added some sound effects I found that should help us try and re-create classic sounds. Have a look in the branch feature/newSounds

Added sound effect in PR #26 and PR #28