
Scientific, multi-file Markdown presentations

Primary LanguageShellCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Presentation service

Scientific, multi-file Markdown presentations.

Incorporating Quarto (and under-the-hood Reveal.js) to automatically generate an index from Markdown slides provided in Slides/. Slides are attached like a volume so any changes are immediately reflected on the server with the autoindex container.

Supports the service autoproxy, or standalone usage with docker-compose.yml.

In order to perform commands on the slides (for instance, to run quarto render --to revealjs), a normalisation script is provided to combine the different file sources as a single-shot.


For standalone usage, the presentation server can be ran like so:

$ docker compose up [--detached --build --remove-orphans]

It'll be viewable at localhost:8000 by default. To build a custom version of Quarto, a build-arg may be provided when building the compose service:

$ docker compose build presentation --build-arg TAG=<version>


  • Slides are sorted by their name, so a 00- prefix convention may be necessary;
  • Container autoindex is necessary to automatically generate an index on start/update;
  • Style settings (like website type) may be modified in Shared/Defaults.yml.