An optimised, document-based SQL database

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


QDB is a synchronous database module reliant on JavaScript object-documents with multiple levels of optimisation built into it.


  • Non-blocking;
  • Optimised memory cache;
  • Schema objects and automatic migration;
  • Selection and transaction wrappers;
  • Connection pools with external thread support.



npm install QSmally/QDB

const QDB = require("qdatabase");
// ...


The main interface for interacting with QDB.

const service = new QDB.Connection(path, options?);

A SQL transaction manager.

// Instantiates a transaction within the database. It is required
// to call 'commit' or 'rollback' on the returned Transaction.
const transaction = service.transaction();

// Perform changes in the connection...
transaction.commit(); // or

An unchanged piece of the database in memory.

// Aggregate with certain instructions, like joining tables,
// ordering them and regrouping them by a property.
const users = service.select()
    .join(projects, "UserId", "Projects")
    .order(user => Object.keys(user.Projects).length, QDB.descending)

QDB Shell

The library integrates a CLI for interacting with QDB deployments.

npm install -g QSmally/QDB

$ qdb make Instances.qdb
$ qdb Development.qdb create Users
$ qdb Production.qdb vacuum

This module is licensed under Apache 2.0.