Single-trait and Multiple-trait Genomic Prediction from Multi-class Bayesian Alphabet Models using Biological Information
This repository contains the data simulation and accuracy comparison graph generation script for paper "Single-trait and Multiple-trait Genomic Prediction from Multi-class Bayesian Alphabet Models using Biological Information"
The 30 single-trait and multi-trait simulated data used in the paper are contained in the folder "data/simulated data".
The data simulation script are included in the folder "profiling/1.simulation". The notebook "single-trait simulation script.ipynb" contains the script for single-trait data simulation and notebook "multi-trait simulation script.ipynb" contains the script for the multi-trait data simulation.
The accuracy comparison graph generation script are included in the folder "profiling/2.result_check". Since the graph generation process for single-trait and multi-trait results are the same, we only shows how to generate the graph for single-trait result.