
Accurate prediction of multi-label protein subcellular localization through multi-view feature learning with RBRL classifier

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Accurate prediction of multi-label protein subcellular localization through multi-view feature learning with RBRL classifier

###Guiding principles:

**The dataset file contains Gram-positive bacteria dataset, plant dataset, virus dataset and Gram-negative bacteria dataset .

**Feature extraction

** Differential Evolution:

  • testFun.m,mutation.m,DE.m,crossover.m is the implementation of DE.

** Dimensional reduction:

  • wMLDAb_transform.m, weight_Park2008_Binary.m represents the wMLDAb.
  • MDDM_transform.m represents MDDM.
  • PCA_transform.m represents PCA.
  • MLSI_transform represents MLSI.
  • MVMD_transform represents MVMD.

** Classifier:

  • Predict.m, train_linear_RBRL_APG.m is the implementation of RBRL.
  • LIFT.m is the implementation of LIFT.
  • MLKNN_test.m,MLKNN_train.m are the implementation of MLKNN.
  • ML_GKR.m is the implementation of ML_GKR.
  • MIML_RBF_test.m, MIML_RBF_train.m is the implementation of ML_RBF.
  • RankSVM_train.m,RankSVM_test.m is the implementation of RankSVM.
  • MIML_kNN_test.m, MIML_kNN_train.m is the implementation of MIML_kNN.

** Demo:

  • An example is included in the Demo file.
  • And you can run the demo.m in MATLAB.