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Documentation for Business and Trade Register API

This API is designed to interact with a business and trade registration system for the API of Arubas KVK Registry, providing functionalities to search for businesses and retrieve detailed registration information. The following outlines the key components, endpoints, and functionalities of the API. All it really does it take two api endpoints and merges them into one. KVK has announced that they are putting the api behind a paywall, I dont know if that also means the API will change. Anyways this is my attempt at a wrapper that provides the data is a cleaner format, still some redundancy, but works for me. AI Generated Documentation.

API Workflow/Pipeline

  1. Perform a search with a given searchTerm and other optional parameters to filter the results.
  2. The API will return a list of Dossier objects based on the search criteria.
  3. For each Dossier, the API will then fetch detailed information from the trade register.
  4. The transformBusinessData utility will merge the detailed trade register data with the business register data into a comprehensive Business object.
  5. The API returns the transformed Business objects in the response.


Responses are returned as JSON objects, with Content-Type: application/json. Each Business object in the response contains combined information from both the business register and the trade register, providing a full picture of each business's registration details.

This documentation provides an overview of the API's capabilities, data models, endpoints, utility functions, and general usage pattern. It is intended to help developers understand how to integrate with and utilize the API in their applications.# api-kvk



A Dossier object represents a business registration dossier, which contains:

  • dossiernummer: The unique registration and branch number of the business.
  • dossiernummerString: A string representation of the dossier number.
  • bedrijfsnaam: The official name of the business.
  • handelsnaam: Any alternate trade name the business may use.
  • rechtsvorm: The legal form of the business.
  • isActief: Indicates whether the business is currently active.
  • vestigingAdres: The address of the business.


A HandelRegisterResponse object contains detailed information from the trade register about a particular business, including:

  • hoofdbranch: The main branch of the business.
  • bestuur: A list of managers and their details.
  • kapitaalGestort: The amount of capital invested in the business.
  • kapitaalValutaId: The currency ID of the invested capital.
  • doelstellingNL: The objective of the business in Dutch.
  • status: The current status of the business.
  • productenBeschikbaar: Indicates whether products are available from the business.
  • id: The unique identifier of the business in the trade register.



transformBusinessData function is used to merge data from the Dossier and HandelRegisterResponse models into a unified Business object, which provides a comprehensive view of a business's registration details.


Fetch Details for Businesses

Endpoint: /api/v1/bedrijf/public/HANDELSREGISTER/{coreCode}/{branchId} Method: GET

Fetches detailed information for businesses based on their core registration number and branch ID. The response is an array of HandelRegisterResponse objects.

Fetch Businesses with Search Term

Endpoint: /api/v1/bedrijf/public/search Method: GET

Allows searching for businesses using a search term and filters for active/inactive status. Pagination is supported via skip and take parameters.



Accepts an array of Dossier objects and returns detailed information for each business by making parallel calls to the detailed information endpoint.


Handles an incoming request to the API, parsing query parameters to conduct a search, and then fetches detailed information for each result using fetchDetailsForBusinesses. The merged results are returned as a JSON response.