
Tasks for the B9 Labs ETH Certified Course

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tasks for the B9 Labs ETH Certified Course

How to start development?

First Time?

  1. npm run install

  2. npm run start

  3. Open your browser to http://localhost:3000/ and make sure Ganache/Truffle Develop is running.

  4. If it's your first time running this project, make sure the contracts have been compiled & migrated:

    $ truffle compile
    $ truffle migrate --network NETWORK_NAME_HERE


Best practice in development mode:

  1. run truffle compile to make sure you're using the contract's latest version.
  2. run ruffle migrate --network NETWORK_NAME_HERE before you begin.
  3. If you're using MetaMask: Reset your account via settings.
  4. As your contract has only recently been deployed, it won't show a video untill you request (a new) one.

How to deploy?

If you want to deploy the project, you have to make sure you have an environment variable $ETH_TV_SERVER_IP set to the server's IP.

If you're using oh-my-zsh terminal, you can add the variable in the .zshrc file

How to run a private/dev/testnet?

You can use Truffle Develop or Ganache GUI.

Common Issues

If you've been developing on & off for a while, you might encounter an error saying: Error: the tx doesn't have the correct nonce. account has nonce of: 0 tx has nonce of: x

If this is the case, and you're using MetaMask, go to MetaMask settings and press 'Reset Account'.