Artifactory Cache Proxy

This project implements a HTTP proxy which caches all GET requests into Artifactory. It can be configured to use an HTTP proxy itself to access the internet.


Please follow these instructions to configure your Artifactory repo.

To get a local Artifactory using docker run:

docker run --name artifactory -d \
    -p 8081:8081

Now lets build and run the proxy:

export ARTIFACTORY_URL=http://localhost:8081/artifactory
export ARTIFACTORY_TOKEN={token from instructions above}
export ARTIFACTORY_REPO={repo name from instructions above}

# optionally configure a proxy to reach the internet
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
./proxy-linux &

# now update proxy config to point to the process
export http_proxy=localhost:8080
export https_proxy=localhost:8080

To test if it works run the following:

curl -k --proxy localhost:8080
# This should give you a response and trigger a caching request

curl -k --proxy localhost:8080
# This request should be served from artifactory