Full Stack Development lecture Slides
An essential guide to getting started with Git and GitHub. learn how to use Git and GitHub to manage your projects and collaborate with other developers.
Here you will learn the basics of HTML5, including how to create a web page, add images, and create lists and tables.
CSS is a language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. This module will teach you CSS from basic to advanced.
Regular expressions are a powerful tool for matching text patterns. In this module, you'll learn how to construct patterns to help you do your job more quickly and with fewer errors.
JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to your website. This module will teach you JavaScript loops, functions and control flow.
In this JS module, you will learn how to manipulate the DOM, work with dates and times, and use local storage.
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript. You will learn how to use jQuery to simplify your JavaScript code.
Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. It contains CSS- and (optionally) JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components. These slides will teach you how to use Bootstrap to create responsive websites.
In this module, you will learn how to use the Fetch API to make asynchronous requests to a server, and how to use the async and await keywords to write asynchronous code that looks synchronous. You will also learn about promises and how to use them to handle asynchronous operations. you will also learn about the new ES6 features like arrow functions, template literals, and the spread operator.
PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is now installed on more than 244 million websites and 2.1 million web servers. This module will teach you PHP from basic to advanced. These slides will teach you how to use PHP to create dynamic web pages. We will also learn how to use PHP to connect to a database and retrieve data from it. A quick introduction to PHP and MySQL.
Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the software is improved so that the tests pass. This is opposed to software development that allows software to be added that is not proven to meet requirements. You will learn how to use TDD to write better code.
We will learn testing tool jest
which is a JavaScript testing framework designed to ensure correctness of any JavaScript codebase. It allows you to write tests with an approachable, familiar and feature-rich API that gives you results quickly.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. You will learn how to use Node.js to create a web server and how to use it to create a command line tool and interact with the file system.
Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. You will learn how to use Express to create a web server and how to use it to create a REST API.
SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases. This module will teach you SQL from basic to advanced. You will learn how to use SQL to create a database, how to use SQL to query data from a database, and how to use SQL to modify data in a database.
ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping. It is a technique that lets you query and manipulate data from a database using an object-oriented paradigm. You will learn how to use an ORM to create a database, how to use an ORM to query data from a database, and how to use an ORM to modify data in a database.
Docker is a set of platform as a service (PaaS) products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels. You will learn how to use Docker to create a container and how to use it to deploy a web application.
MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It is a software design pattern for implementing user interfaces on computers. It divides a given software application into three interconnected parts so as to separate internal representations of information from the ways information is presented to and accepted from the user. You will learn how to use MVC architecture to create a web application.
Additionally you will also learn about handlebars and session management.
Strapi is an open-source headless CMS. It is a Node.js based CMS that allows you to create and manage your content. You will learn how to use Strapi to create a CMS and how to use it to create a REST API.
Solidifying concepts with JavaScript
Call Stack
CallBack Queue
Event Loop
Factory functions