Original game by Gabriele Cirulli. A small clone of 1024, based on Saming's 2048 (also a clone).
I have converted into a progressive webapp. Play it here!
2048 is licensed under the MIT license.
- run local server in root directory
python 2
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1111
python 3python -m http.server 1111
Step 1 : Adding Manifest - to describe the application to the platform on how to add to their home screen.
add link in HTML head
<link rel="manifest" herf="manifest.json">
Step 1 : Adding Service Worker
- register sw.js with serviceWorker
- register event handler for install, active and fetch event.
- cashed app to be available without any network.
Pwa on iso
- Triggering web experience on apple ios devices.
Git pages 404
git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger rebuild"
git push