Strapi is a free and open-source content management system, it is a headless CMS that allows you to create a website taking care of backend and give us control over the frontend.
Strapi provides restful API for your website.
we can use fetch/axio to fetch data from Strapi.
Install Strapi
npx stands for node package execute, an npm package runner that can execute packages installed with npm.
npx create-strapi-app course-feedback
Project Over View
FeedBack Website
User can give feedback
User can see their feedback
Feedback can be sorted by category
Content Type and Endpoints
Content Type: blueprint for a piece of content what fields should the content have and what data type should it be
Collection Type: this is when we create a collection of content type, like collection of comments, feedbacks
single Type: a homepage that has single
components Type: a component is a reusable piece of code that we can use in our website
Feedback Content Type
strapi automatically pluralizes the content type name
title: text
rating: number
body: richtext
Content and API
When a content is created strapi automatically creates an endpoint for it, for example, if we create a feedback, we will have a feedback endpoint.
the api route will be /api/feedback and the endpoint will be /feedback
the endpoint will be stored in folder /src/api/feedback
the schema for the endpoint will be stored in folder /src/content-types/feedback/schema.json
useParams is a hook that allows us to get the id from the url
const { id } = useParams(); // id is the id from the url
exportdefaultfunctionFeedback(){const{ id }=useParams();const[feedback,setFeedback]=useState({});useEffect(()=>{axios.get(`http://localhost:1337/feedbacks/${id}`).then((res)=>{setFeedback(;});},[id]);return(<div><h1>{feedback.title}</h1><p>{feedback.body}</p></div>);}
<style scoped> {font-Size:1.8em} </style>
graphql is a query language for api
its different from rest api because it allows us to get specific data from the api
sample graphql user data query vs get all users
// graphqlquery{users{idusernameemail}}// get all users and returns only id, username and email// rest api/users // get all users and returns all data
Installing graphql for strapi
on admin panel go to
marketplace -> graphql or npm i strapi-plugin-graphql
Setting up react to use graphql
npm i @apollo/client graphql appolo client will help us to use graphql in react
add appolo to app.js and create connection to graphql
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, ApolloProvider } from '@apollo/client';
ApploClient creates a new connection to graphql server
InMemoryCache is a cache that stores data from graphql server
ApolloProvider is a provider that allows us to use graphql in react
import{ApolloClient,InMemoryCache,ApolloProvider}from'@apollo/client';constclient=newApolloClient({uri: 'http://localhost:1337/graphql',cache: newInMemoryCache(),});return(<ApolloProviderclient={client}> // client connection now provided to entire app
using appolo client in react
import { useQuery, gql } from '@apollo/client'; // useQuery is a hook that allows us to use graphql in react
gql request
import{useQuery,gql}from'@apollo/client';constFEEDBACKS_QUERY=gql` query { feedbacks { id title body } }`;const{ loading, error, data }=useQuery(FEEDBACKS_QUERY);
requesting specific feedback
constFEEDBACK_QUERY=gqlqueryFeedback($id: ID!){feedback(id: $id){idtitlebody}};const{ loading, error, data }=useQuery(FEEDBACK_QUERY,{variables: { id },});
Relational data!
relational data is data that is related to another data
we will related feedback to courses
types of relations
one to one
one to one bidirectional
one to many
many to one
many to many
one has many
Getting courses data
add courses on site header
react markdown for styles
npm i react-markdown // to render markdown in react