HTML/CSS Project

A html and css profollio project

  1. Create a folder with your team name.
  2. Create a inside the folder with a description of what you'll be working on.
    • Write the names of your team members
    • The URL of the design you chose
    • Screenshots (desktop, tablet, and mobile versions) of the pages you'll build
    • Who will be working on each part of the website
    • Which CSS Framework you'll be using
    • How much of the website do you plan on finishing by May 5 (Tuesday)
  3. Submit a pull request with the above by the end of May 3.
  4. Once the images are accepted by the trainer team you should start working on implementing it.
  5. Submit a pull request on May 5 (Tuesday) with a WIP status which just shows your progress by then.
  6. Submit a final pull request on May 8 (Friday) @ 9 PM which is the deadline for this assignment.
  7. Come prepared on May 9 (Saturday) to do a 5-minute demo of your project in class to all the students! :D