Program calculates number of hours spent in work in specific day.
- L4
- Holidays
- Shift
- Normal day
Calculating number of hours to work in month also providing for holidays in working week and weekend.
Based on polish holidays.
In tabs we can operate on our working hours by
- Filtering by number of hours, month, year
- Ordering results
- Subdividing our earned money by category
- User: (for logging)
- id_user
- login -> varchar
- email -> varchar
- passwd -> varchar
- Contract: (for contact info )
- id_contract
- type -> varchar
- startingdate -> date
- expirationdate -> date
- companyname -> varchar
- dayjob -> varchar
- hourlyrate -> decimal
- Schedule: (for calculating hours)
- id_schedule
- date -> date
- hours -> varchar
- id_employee -> unsigned int
- Employee: (for additional info about user)
- id_employee
- firstname -> varchar
- lastname -> varchar
- 1 to 1 User<->Employee # one user is one employee
- 1 to 1 User<->Contract # one user has one contract
- 1 to many Employee<->Schedule # one employee can have many schedules
For representing model in program I created entity for each table. (DAL/Entity)
For making queries for each table I created repositories. (DAL/Repository)
Connection settings are located in DAL/