
Generic Slave Spins code

Primary LanguageFortranGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Slave Spins

A flexbile slave spins mean-field code, with support for multi-band structure and inequivalent sites. This code uses MPI for faster execution.


The code is written around the SciFortran library, which can be found here with installation notes.


Installation is available using CMake.

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/QcmPlab/Slave-Spins Slave_Spins

and from the just created directory make a standard out-of-source CMake compilation:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

The CMake compilation can be controlled using the following additional variables, default values between < >:

  • -DPREFIX=prefix directory <~/opt/slave_spins/PLAT/[VERSION]>
  • -DUSE_MPI=<yes>/no
  • -DVERBOSE=yes/<no>

System loading:

The library can be loaded into the operative system using one of the following, automatically generated, methods:

  • environment module file ~/.modules.d/slave_spins/<PLAT>
  • homebrew bash script <PREFIX>/bin/configvars.sh
  • pkg-config file in ~/.pkg-config.d/slave_spins.pc

Python binding

The Python binding is still in beta version Python binding (API) through module sspy can be installed, once the library is successfully loaded in the OS, using the conventional toolchain:

export F90=mpif90 (required if library has been compiled and installed with MPI support)

  1. python setup.py install
  2. pip install .

Method 2. has the advantage of making uninstall operation feasible.


The library is removed with the command:

make uninstall

from the same building directory as for the installation part.

Driver program

A default driver named ss_DFT is available in the driver database:


This driver provides a generic interface to conventional Wannier90 output and requires a number of additional input files.

  • hij.conf: the Wannier90 real-space Hamiltonian file in its original form
  • lat.conf: a file containing the real-space lattice basis vectors $[e_1,e_2,e_3]$ in coordinates with respect to default orthonormal basis, i.e. $e_i=a_x\hat{x}+a_y\hat{y}+a_z\hat{z}$.
  • kpath.conf: a file containing a list of k-space points for band-structure visualisation. Each entry of the list has the form: "Point_Symbol",[P_x,P_y,P_z], where Point_Symbol is a canonical high symmetry point denomination, e.g. $\Gamma$, $M$, etc.. and P_x,P_y,P_z are the coordinates of the points in a $[0:1]$ basis, i.e. $M=[0.5,0.5,0.0]$.

A first run in a empty directory will generate a default input file

Look into the default driver for more info.

Copyright 2019 - (c), Adriano Amaricci, Laura Fanfarillo, Pablo Villar Aribi, Massimo Capone, Luca de'Medici
All rights reserved.

The software is provided with no license, as such it is protected by copyright. The software is provided as it is and can be read and copied, in agreement with the Terms of Service of GITHUB. Use of the code is constrained to author agreement.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.