
In the repository is all the details for the Qeepsake frontend engineering interview 💻

Qeepsake Frontend Interview

Welcome to the Qeepsake frontend engineering interview 💻 At Qeepsake we care about critical problem solving skills above all else. You will be given a maximum of one (1) hour to complete the task to the best of your ability, the further you proceed through the task, the harder the requirements become. If you have any questions during the project, feel free to communicate with a Qeepsake tech team member through the pre-established communication channels.

Key Points

  • In the project below you will be given a design specification with product requirements.
  • You can complete the tasks in any of the following lanaguges: React, React Native, Swift, Objective-C, Java, Kotolin. If your langauge of choice isn't mentioned here, then please ask a Qeepsake tech team member to pre-approve your choice.
  • Once complete you must upload the project to your Github account, set it to private (!IMPORTANT), and share it with both NMPHalpern and lukebrandonfarrell.

Project Details

The aim of the project is to build the following selection and list interface in the langauge / framework of your choice.

Screenshot 2022-02-01 at 12 33 06

Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/flr1dosD8GJ2xxCTy7K5Wc/Qeepsake-Frontend-Interview?node-id=0%3A1

Essential Requirements

The aim of the task is to design the screen above.

  • Start from a fresh React, React Native, etc project.
  • There will be four journals with milestones: Sadie, Isabella, Peter and Jonathan. When a journal is pressed it will be selected and the milestones for that journal will show in the list.

The requirements of the project are intentially vauge as we want to allow space for creativity, building better solutions instead of following the instructions verbatim. Use the requirements as a guideline, but don't be afraid to provide out of the box solutions, and to go further than the requiremets in your project.

Getting Started

You have one hour to complete this exercise.

  • If you are using React Native then you just want to init a fresh react native application and go from there: npx react-native init QeepsakeInterview (https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup).
  • If you are using React then feel free to use the toolset you are most confortable with: create-react-app, next.js etc.
  • All the data for journals and milestones can be found in data/journals.json.
  • Other assets can be found in /fonts and /images.

Once you have completed your project, as stated above, upload to your Github, set to private, and add both NMPHalpern and lukebrandonfarrell. Please also include instructions on how to run your project, if you didn't use React Native or create-react-app.