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TensorFlow Addons for the Raspberry Pi 64-bit OS

TensorFlow Addons is a repository of community contributions that implement new functionality not available in the open source machine learning platform TensorFlow.

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You must have TensorFlow installed on your Raspberry Pi.
For the installation guide see Install TensorFlow 2.4.0


Please find your linux-aarch64 installation wheel here. The cpXX number refers to your Python3 version.

64-bit OS (Python 3.7)

TensorFlow Addons installation files for the Raspberry Pi 3/4 with 64-bit operating system
Use the Python wheel tensorflow_addons-0.14.0.dev0-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl

Ubuntu 20.04 (Python 3.8)

TensorFlow Addons installation files for the Raspberry Pi 3/4 with Ubuntu 20.04 operating system
Use the Python wheel tensorflow_addons-0.14.0.dev0-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl

Ubuntu 18.04 (Python 3.6)

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32-bit OS

Note, there are no wheels for the Raspberry Pi 4 32-bit OS given the cumbersome installing the latest huge TensorFlow versions on such a small device. You can find an RPi-32 Addons version at Koen Vervloesem
