
Notes for learn how to learn course


Notes for learn how to learn course

Week 1 What is Learning

  • Focused: for familiar
  • Diffused for new ideas (create new neuro connection)

  • Go back and forth between Focused and diffused mode
  • a little bit every day
  • metaphors very powerful for learning
  • learning difficult things take time

  • Practice makes permanent

Week 2 Chunking

  • Working memory
  • Chunk: focus, connect
  • Academic learning: create chunks, a network of chunks

  • Focus on and connection
  • Must focus, get rid of all distractions
  • Understand first
  • Learn the context (big picture), so you know which chunk to use. So learning major concepts and then dive in.
* Focused attention
* Understanding
* Practice

  • Recall from material
  • DON'T passive reread
  • Side note on margin to synthesize concepts are good idea
  • Illusion of competence (you are not actually learning)
  • Test to make sure you know you learned. Making mistakes helps you learn better.

## Chunking * Seeing the big picture

Week 3 Procrastination and Memory

Week 4 Renaissance learning and unlocking your potential