
Web Development Tools and Methods

Primary LanguageJavaScript

INFO6250 Final Project - Chat App

This Chat App involves both:

  • an express server.js to host RESTFUL services and act as a static file server
  • a create-react-app-based SPA build as static files that consume those services


  • In a terminal, run npm install

Running for production

  • In a terminal, run npm run build to create the static files in the build/ directory
  • run npm start to start the express server
  • Visit localhost on port 4000

Running for development

  • In a terminal, run npm start to start the express server
  • In a DIFFERENT terminal, run npm run dev to start the development CRA server
  • Visit localhost on port 3000

Chat App Description

  • This Chat App allows users to login and send messages between users and demonstrates the current logged-in users.The messages can be updated automatically by polling.

Home Page

When the User loads the page

  • the site will determine if the user is logged in

  • If the user is not logged in:

    • the page will display a login form
    • the login form will ask for a username but will not ask for a password
  • A logged in user will see:

    • Current logged-in users (Active Users)
    • Chat History content
    • A text area allows users to send messages
    • An option to logout

Login Page

  • Login form only requires users to input valid username without password.
  • If the username is valid the server will respond with a sid cookie using a uuid.
  • If the username is invalid, there will be a error message that contains the username being invalid.
  • "dog" will be treated as a denied user.

Chat Page

  • When users are logged in, they will see:
    • A list of currently logged in users
    • A list of messages contains previous chat history
    • Every message will identify which user sent it
    • A text area that user can input message and a botton that send message
  • Every second the client side will check to see if there are new messages and/or if the list of currently logged in users has changed
  • Multiple users can be logged in at once and can send and see messages from one another
  • A user can logout and return to the login screen
  • The messages sent by user self are list on the right, and the messages sent by other users are list on the left.