An implementation of Apriori Algorithm using BitSet.
I. Directly run:
run command as below: java -jar AprioriImplement.jar {min_sup} {k} transactionDB.txt output.txt
{min_sup}: the number of minimal support count, which should be an integer; {k}: it should be an integer; “transactionDB.txt” is the path of input Data file name. “output.txt” is the path of output file name. The file contains all the results.
II. Build Jar from source code and run:
- How to build Jar:
(1) on Unix-like platforms such as Linux and Mac OS X
run command as below:
Then run this command:
./gradlew fatJar
(2) on Windows
run command as below:
Then run this command:
gradlew fatJar
In this way, the AprioriImplement.jar will be in the folder: build/libs
- How to run the code:
run command as below: java -jar build/libs/AprioriImplement.jar {min_sup} {k} transactionDB.txt output.txt
{min_sup}: the number of minimal support count, which should be an integer; {k}: it should be an integer; “transactionDB.txt” is the path of input Data file name. “output.txt” is the path of output file name. The file contains all the results.